Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
"Hooray!" Hug. "Thank you. Are there other unsettling things in this vein you're willing to offer? I would love to skip all of the annoying maintenance parts of being alive."
"I don't keep a list or anything. I can make you not need to eat but that one is kind of weird, I undid it on myself after a few months. If you don't like food much to start with it might be worth it but I missed being hungry."
"Maybe pass on that one, then. Uh. Things about mortal existence that annoy me... I already have something to prevent pregnancy myself, but I'd appreciate not bleeding once a month?"
"Oh," she says, understanding dawning. "... Would me bleeding by more conventional manners do, because I am just. Completely unable to find that kind of bleeding sexy in any way, sorry."
He curls up and hugs her close, which is not magically necessary or anything but is very comfy.
It does feel kind of unsettling. And it takes about ten minutes.
Aww. He's so cute.
... Something occurs to her. She blinks.
"When you say you're keeping me, do you mean, ah. Forever?"
Snuggle. "I mean, I hadn't really been thinking about it in - those terms. Um. Can my family get immortality, too? You haven't met my parents, but they, uh. Raised me. And my brother. Which probably says some things about them."
"Of course. Anyone you like. Though not if it's so many people that I end up doing nothing but bestow immortality for a month straight."
"I'm not nearly that social. I'd like for people to just be immortal, but I think asking one Emperor to personally immortalize everyone is really shit for scale. Thanks." Kiss.