Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
"You're very cute," she informs him. Has she said that already? She has probably said that already.
She smiles at him fondly.
"So, scale of one to ten. How weirded out are people going to be when they see us being cute at each other?"
She giggles.
"Is it terrible that I now want to be aggressively cute at you in public? It's probably terrible."
"I am probably going to revel in freaking out your staff by being really adorable at you," she informs him, in a stage-whisper. "I'm not going to go overboard with it, I don't want everyone to think I'm completely crazy, but..." She grins. "It sounds really fun."
"You might scare somebody," he says. "If you're unpredictable and - ostentatiously not afraid of me - I can see that adding up to 'dangerous' for some people."
"Don't be, I'd rather be aware of it beforehand and avoid scaring people than happily cavort about in a terrifying fashion." Snuggle. "Logically, I know you're scary, but the rest of me doesn't consider you someone to be scared of."
"Me too. I'm absolutely certain you could be very scary if you wanted to," she says this almost fondly, "but I like that you don't see any reason to hurt or scare me."
"Probably. Unless you want to live the rest of your immortal life with your arms wrapped around me? I can imagine how that'd work for bathing, but what happens when one of us needs to pee?"
Snort. "Ah huh." Kiss. "Would you just be removing the need entirely, or just. Magic it all away regularly...? This might be a question that's too weird."
"I can actually do the first thing, but it feels really unsettling to have done and it takes some time. Admittedly less time than raising the dead."
"... Well now I'm tempted to request it. It's not unsettling after you're done putting it in place, is it?"
"Well, all right then. Do you want to help me grow past the petty needs of my fragile mortal form, Sekar?"