Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
"Granted, I don't think I'd like to meddle with your empire while nude, so maybe it's for the best."
"Thank you." She smiles at him and then carefully sits up.
"Ow," she complains, without heat. "Shit, you really wrecked me, didn't you."
She snorts, then leans over and gently kisses him.
"Yeah, okay. I'll take that healing now, this'll get annoying if I'm running around all day with it. ... Leave me a bite mark to remember you by?"
He heals her. He leaves behind one bite mark, a deep bruise on her shoulder in the shape of his teeth.
"Not that I was likely to forget, or anything, just. I'm feeling sentimental." She touches the bruise affectionately.
"Are you trying to persuade me to stay in bed with you. Because you're doing a pretty good job."
"It is," she acknowledges, amused. "Do you just like having me here on principle, or is there something in particular you'd like to do with me?"
"I would appreciate that. And it would be polite to make a lady breakfast after spending the night with her. But that wasn't the question I asked."
"I don't have specific plans, I'm just lazy and affectionate and don't want to let go of my beautiful Eselle." He kisses her forehead.
He wraps his arms around her and nuzzles the top of her head and pulls her close enough to the edge of the bed that when he conjures breakfast via floor-flower they can actually reach it.
Then they can have a snuggly breakfast together! She will try not to get any crumbs on him. This might be hard to pull off.
Well, she'll still try to avoid getting any on him anyway, so there.
And then once she is fed, he can get a kiss. Call it an apology, for some of the crumbs that she did not manage to avoid dropping on him.