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Yvette and Serg in Skygarden
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Mm. Yes, excellent, this improves things immensely. Things were already pretty good before.

Enjoying him is a task she takes to with a lot of enthusiasm. She even gets distracted from kissing him in order to look. Because it is such a great view, and she gets to touch him, too.

"Do you have," she breathes, "any idea how sexually frustrated I was from your shirtless adventures?"


He giggles softly. "I caught a hint."


"Very frustrated! Very, very frustrated! The visual kept popping up while I was doing other things, distracting me! I'd be there, reading about something innocuous, then bam. Shirtless Emperor." Kiss.


Kiss. "Well, here I am, if there's anything you'd like to do with your shirtless Emperor and have just been waiting for the chance."


"Get this dress off me," she invites breathlessly, "and I'll be more than happy to do all kinds of things with my lovely Emperor."


He grabs the dress and casually rips it off her. In his hands it tears as easily as dry autumn leaves.


She goes quiet and still.

"Fuck that was hot."


...he grins at her.


"Ridiculously, insanely hot!" she continues indignantly, at a more reasonable volume. "You just - and it just - that - it -" And then, because clearly sentences are not working out for her, she whines and kisses him hungrily.


He tangles his hands in her hair and kisses back with much the same attitude.


She is in too many clothes, which is to say, any. Fixing this is important and she begins attempting to do so. Unfortunately, this is somewhat complicated by how she's also trying really hard to touch the maximum surface area of Sekar that she possibly can, and refuses to compromise on this front. It's not really conducive to taking off clothes. What a terrible fate.


What if all of both their clothes just crumble away into nothingness while he's still kissing her, does that solve the problem?


Yes!! Yes it does! He's so helpful and great, and that's still really hot, and she's so happy. She's just going to kiss him passionately, attempt to maximize the amount of skin contact between the two of them, and whimper and tremble.




He lets go of her hair and pauses in the kissing for a moment, cupping her face in his hands.

"Do you want me to fuck you?"


She raises her eyebrows, then quirks a smile at him. Her expression is of amused puzzlement, as though she's wondering where he ever got the idea that she didn't.



He kisses her again, and pins her to the bed and squeezes her wrists until pain flashes deep in her bones, and gives her what she wants.


It might have been smart to check how soundproofed these rooms are. This occurs to her while she's in the middle of making some of those sounds he likes so much, because that seems relevant. This thought is then discarded, for being too coherent for the current circumstances. Hopefully the room's soundproofed enough, because 'volume control' also requires more coherence than she has available right now.


It's the Emperor's rooms. No one's going to mind a little screaming.

Though if he has his way there'll be more than a little.


He can definitely have his way, though there's a bit of an art to eliciting this. She has complete faith in his ability to pick it up.


It is a delightful art.


Eventually, he is done learning all the wonderful noises she makes. He flops on the bed with a contented sigh and wraps his arms around her to hold her close.

"Mine," he murmurs into her hair.


She's mostly a puddle of exhausted shivery afterglow, but the two braincells that have somehow managed to remain functional throughout that are proficient enough to observe and process that word.

It should probably be a bad word, should probably want to make her flinch away and run for the hills. Instead she just foggily thinks about how it seems completely ridiculous to argue with. He literally bought her, brought her to his pretty palace, resurrected her dead brother, then carried her off to his bed for what has been a really incredible night. She lies here next to him with his bite marks on her neck and his slave marks on her wrists, completely spent from several magnificent hours. Safe and happy.

She shifts in his arms to look at him, then gently kisses him. "... Yours," she agrees, a little shyly.


He grins at her.


She smiles back, then leans into him with a contented hum.

Aaaaaand she's out. Which is perhaps not surprising.


He snuggles her all night, even though he only sleeps for four hours of it.


It's a full eight hours until Eselle sleepily stirs, though she doesn't look like she particularly wants to.

"Mmrgh," she complains, hiding from the morning by snuggling closer to Sekar.

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