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Yvette and Serg in Skygarden
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He digs his nails into her slave-mark, and this time doesn't let up for several seconds.


Her shriek is ambiguously positive, but the specific way she squirms on him and trembles violently and tangles her free hand in his hair is not. The sounds she makes after the shriek aren't, either. Low whimpers of pain and pleasure, broken only by soft sobs. It's a good thing he's holding her upright by her hair, because otherwise she'd be in danger of pitching to the side.


Oh, what a treasure she is.

He kisses her.


She's not a paragon of coherency right now, but she remembers what kissing is and how to do it shortly after he demonstrates. He tastes like blood, her blood, and when she realizes this she moans and kisses him like she's drowning again. The occasional sobs makes this task a little harder, but she doesn't think he'll mind.


He really really does not mind at all.


He slows down, kisses her softly, gently, lets go of her wrist, loosens his hand in her hair.


Eselle makes a piteous whine.


Aww. He kisses her again - softly, again - and murmurs, "You all right?"


She understands the meaning of those words, but needs a minute of breathing and cooling down to understand them in context. Oh. He's checking on her. That's actually really sweet.

"... Yeah," she pronounces, smiling at him. "Good eye, I was. Maybe a bit too caught up in the moment, there."


He smiles, and hugs her, and kisses her on the cheek.


Snuggle. She leans on him and touches the bite mark on her neck affectionately.

"You're very compelling," she adds.


"You make the most amazing noises."


She giggles a little.

"Do I? Thank you, I'm glad you like them."


"You are beautiful in every respect." Kiss.



"Thank you. Unfortunately all of my compliments for you are in pitches of piteous whine right now, so I should maybe not repeat them just yet."


He laughs, and pets her hair, and gives it a playful tug.


This earns him a giggle for his trouble.

"You're unfairly hot," she mock-complains.


"Why thank you." Kiss.


Kiss. ... Kiss that kind of has a hint of going further than she meant it, before she manages to get a lid on it and stop.

"I think I'm all right to continue," she murmurs.


"All right."

He kisses her. He puts his hand in her hair again.


Appreciative hum, and also yes. Kissing. This time, she doesn't have to assert self control.


The hand in her hair slowly tightens.


He may have a whine. A very, very tiny one. Just a hint of a sound, really.


That's a good sound.


It is, and she's so glad he likes it!

She can't help but notice that both of her wrists are free. It's pretty obvious that he can fix this whatever time he wants, so she's going to take this opportunity to touch him while she can. Her hands go exploring available Sekar based surfaces.


If she's going to be exploring his surfaces she should really have more of them to explore. He pauses to take off his shirt.

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