Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
Well, now she's smiling back.
"Hair pulling," she says, sagely. Her voice is a little more breathy than usual. "Thing I'm into. Should maybe have made a list."
She hums her approval and then yes kissing good. There's a hint of salt, this time. That would be from the tears.
This does not get in the way of enthusiastic kissing. The enthusiastic kissing is important. She even moves to cup his face with her free hand.
Well, she's maybe whining a little, low and quiet, so that's what that gets him. Squirm. Also one slightly louder whimper when the squirming makes the pulled hair a bit more obvious.
She is so very very kissable.
He finds her wrist again with the hand that's not busy slowly tightening in her hair, and he squeezes hard enough to make the mark tingle pretty aggressively, but not - quite - enough to hurt. Yet.
Her breathing picks up, and the low whine in her throat turns higher pitched. She attempts squirming, but this only really successfully incites her to make more varied sounds. Her free hand trails down to entangle itself in his shirt.
He squeezes harder, harder - the warning tingle sharpens - at the point where he's holding tight enough to cause light bruising, there's a bone-deep flash of pain, and then he loosens his grip the moment she reacts.
Kissing will have to accept her sincerest apologies, because for right now she has to put it aside in favor of crying out in pain. When that's done, she relaxes, but her breath comes out sharp and shallow. A tiny sob hitches in her throat.
Does he want her shivering and pliant and whimpering faintly? Because that's how he's getting her. She kisses him back like she's drowning and he's her only source of air, despite the second sob that forms in her throat.
She concurs! Kisses are pretty great. Her breathing slowly settles, and the squirming picks up again. Her free arm wraps around him to pull herself closer, which puts more pressure on her hair and earns another whine.
This experiment nets the following results: one low moan, originating from what seems to be Eselle's major sound source for this encounter, the back of the throat, and a slight pickup in breathing again, complete with some squirming. At first her priority is kissing him, but after a few seconds and one desperate and whimpery kiss, she leans towards the hand in her hair, willing to be moved where he likes.
The sound she makes for this is the loudest yet, a shriek that bleeds into another moan. She flinches and squirms and then falls still, except for the shivering.
"I was wondering if you were going to do that," she breathes. "Fuck, yes."
"You're a treasure," he murmurs, and bites her again, harder. Not quite to the point of blood, but she'll definitely have some fun bruises later.
It's kind of a pity he can't see her expression, because she makes one, but she tries to make up for that with her moan. It is a prime example of its kind, with a good volume and strength, but not overstaying its welcome.
"I-I feel, very treasured - oh, please."
He is so smart, he gets a prize. The prize is another moan, one full body shiver, and a few other noises that imply Eselle is trying to language and forgot how. Despite her current language handicap, she still successfully gets across her opinion of these circumstances. In short, she approves.
The first word that comes out unmangled is, "Sekar..."
Then she will bleed! And cry out, and tremble on top of him, and make little mewling sounds, and move the wrist still in his hand towards the thumb that's already inflicted so much pain. All of those things.