Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
"Oh. I suppose I would've failed to avoid meeting your brother eventually, and then you'd have found out who I was."
"Yeah, but this is my brother we're talking about. He would have met you, acted perfectly cordial the entire time and kept his screaming on the inside, and then politely taken you aside to chat in order to figure out more about the situation. It might not have exploded."
"Probably. He'd definitely pick up on the unstable equilibrium present, and only want to upset it deliberately. Instead of freaking out and flailing. Whether he could pull it off would depend on circumstance, but I think he could."
She hums appreciatively at the hairpets.
"Though we might actually be something resembling done. I'm vaguely worried about, um, getting caught up in something, and suddenly needing you to stop? But that seems like a trust thing I'll just have to gain over time."
Pet pet pet.
"I - don't know for sure if I'd deal well with that. But I have done it before. Just - never with someone who knew who I am, and I think it's easier, when they don't."
"Okay. So we should probably attempt to take it slowly so we don't get in over our heads. Much as I'd appreciate... not taking it slowly."
"Mm." She nuzzles him. "I really want to kiss you. Think we could manage to take things at a speed that resembles slowly if we tried hard and believed in ourselves?"
She is trying so hard to not have this spiral out of her control, but when he gently kisses her like she's the most amazing person in the world it's really fucking difficult.
A sound she didn't mean to make forms in her throat, and while her self control does not crack like delicate porcelain, it does get significantly dented. Mm, kisses.
He kisses her, and pets her hair, and then somehow ends up with his hand cupping her face. She's so kissable. It's good. She is good.
One arm ends up wrapped around him and pulling him closer, the other ends up gently caressing the hand cupping her face. Kissing him is so wonderful, he's so - so - himself.
She feels pretty delicious, and she's so happy to be kissing him, and she keeps accidentally making little noises and squirming closer, and that's probably bad, she should probably try to, to not do that -
It's so difficult to stop, though.