Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
"- Oh." He swallows, then looks away from his sister's face to take stock of the room. He spots Solekaran.
"Thanks," he says, in the Emperor's direction, making the obvious conclusion.
He has so many questions and does not really have any idea where to start with them - where is he-?
Zeothe looks at his sister again with an imploring look.
Now he may have a hug.
"You're in the palace. You've been dead for five days. I'm fine. Mom and Dad don't know yet."
Esvetielle is really not happy about saying this next bit, but she will not mince words -
"After you died, I - got overwhelmed. By sharks that smelled blood in the water. We no longer have a house. And -" she hesitates, pained, but pushes on. She hooks a finger to pull down her sleeve mid-hug, then shows him the mark on her wrist, one arm still around him.
"Yeah, I know. Sorry. But I'm okay. Do you remember the, the date, I went on. With the guy in the park."
"Yeah," she confirms, noticing the direction of Zeothe's head. "He had nothing to do with the clusterfuck, but he did catch wind of - of me, and stepped in. He's been nothing but kind to me, including, ah. You."
"So now I'm planning out how best to leverage my new status to meddle in his empire!" she says, a bit brighter than she'd meant to. "Because when the Emperor says I can do whatever I want..."
That is an expression of - not quite horror. Horror is too strong a term. This is the expression of a man who understands the full implications of what was just said, and that while supportive, is not entirely comfortable with his sister's new choice of profession. And is maybe a little concerned. Because oh, shit, his sister is probably going to end up running at least part of the empire.
He considers.
"Since I was wrongly executed for murder," he says carefully to Sekar, "do I get one free murder pass, because I feel that if I get executed for murder I should at least get the catharsis of getting to kill someone."
"I mean, my week's been shit, you died, we don't have a house anymore, and I was sold into slavery. But Sekar held me while I cried on him about all of that, doesn't want to mistreat me, and wants me to be happy."