Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
He gently scoops her up and carries her to his enormous comfy bed and nestles with her amid his soft cozy blankets.
She peacefully sleeps through her relocation.
Much later, she makes a tired sound and stirs, blinking at the room in sleepy confusion.
Well that's surprisingly adorable. She considers possible actions, then nestles slightly closer. Cuddles are so nice right now.
"Mm." She gently pulls away to sit up. "... I'd like my brother back, but I need to have everything me related wrapped up and tied with a bow and not requiring any input from him."
"I, um." She rubs her face, then is briefly distracted by the still alien imperial mark on her wrist. She drops the hand. "Need to figure that out, really."
"Is that something I can help with or is it more of a 'build you a bedroom and leave you alone for the rest of the day' sort of thing?"
"I think you can help with that. Um. So what do you do all day, and where would I fit into that? Since I assume you're, er. Keeping. Me."
"I do... whatever I feel like. You can pretty much also do whatever you feel like. Well, within practical limitations - you'd have some trouble doing architecture the way I do architecture, you can't fly - although if you wanted wings I could give you some..."
"... Well that's a thing I never considered possible. I will probably want to do that eventually, actually, that sounds like fun."
She smiles back.
"I think I'd get bored with just hobbies, though. I like - having goals and accomplishing things. I didn't exactly like my job, but I liked having it."
"Huh. I'm not sure I get the difference. If having goals and accomplishing things is what you want to do with your life, then that still comes in under 'whatever you feel like', doesn't it?"