Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
"Yeah. So why are you resurrecting my brother, are you planning to bring him back and kill him again in front of me? That'd make me cry. Are you feeding me delicious things so you can watch me cry when later you're forcing me to eat bugs and rats? You didn't try to lengthen my crying session in any way, were you observing how long it takes me to come down from it so you can see how you can outdo it when you're trying?"
These are not serious accusations.
"Because from where I'm sitting, those are all kind of absurd. I'm not scared of you because you haven't done anything that implies you'd want to hurt me. Maybe at some point you'll be too tempted and not be able to resist, but you seem more enraptured by my smile than my tears."
Well, here it is for him to see. She still looks like a bit of a mess, what with all of the crying, but that is a genuine smile that is pointed right at him.
"I did get that impression. I did not actually sleep through our date, you're shocked, I know."
...he seems kind of - withdrawn and upset. Hairpets and snuggles do not immediately resolve this.
...he sighs. He curls up next to her on the couch and rests his head in her lap.
"You - I don't - I'm not a safe person, Esvetielle. I'm not... you're right that I don't want to hurt you, but... it's something I'm kind of in the habit of, you know. Hurting people. I - when I said I mentioned how attractive you are when you cry - I didn't mean any of the silly things you said. But I did mean that the whole time I was holding you while you cried on me, cuddling you and comforting you, not a minute went by when I didn't also think about raping you. I... I want to be someone you can trust. I'm trying to be someone you can trust. But I don't think it's a joke that I might fail."
She shivers a little, but doesn't pull away from him. He can get hairpets. Pensive ones.
"I'm sorry for making a joke of it. I didn't mean it was a joke, I just. I didn't know how else to say the thing I meant." Pet, pet. "It's a coping mechanism. The snarky comments."
He pats her knee. "The snarky comments are cute. Just - didn't quite land right that time."
"I want to keep you," he murmurs. "Not - to do anything to. Just because I like having you."
"I mean, I'm. Definitely having some complicated feelings on that point. I'm vaguely worried that this might make me more - tempting. To you. I'm less vaguely worried about how other people will treat me, with. These marks on my arms. I don't have any idea how to explain it to anyone that cares about me in a way that won't make them very, very worried." She swallows, and shifts a hand away from petting to look at the imperial mark on her wrist.
"But a week ago I thought there was no possible way I could ever -" Her voice breaks a little, and she sucks in a breath and tries again. "Ever go to an auction house. It was absurd? I wasn't an idiot, I didn't play fast and loose with any debts, I had a sensible emergency fund, I had my brother and more distantly my parents, and. Then none of that mattered and suddenly I'm. Up on the block and wondering who would fucking buy me and what my life would be like and how bad the inevitable rape would be and. The uncertainty was the worst part, at least if I knew who I was going to I could have some kind of basis to plan from, could expect something, could figure out coping mechanisms. But I didn't." She makes a sound in her throat, and shakes her head. "And I don't want to feel that way again. Ever. I - I can't. And I'd be - afraid, of it ever happening again. Because I didn't even do anything wrong?"
Esvetielle takes a shuddering breath. "And at least if I'm yours I won't ever have to go back. You're the fucking Emperor. You won't die and leave me to someone else, no one could possibly take me from you. That'll just be it."
He sits up so he can gather her into his arms and hug her.
"I won't let anyone else have you," he says. "I - might have it in me to free you, if that was what you wanted. I don't have it in me to free you and then let - let you be stolen from yourself. I want you mine, and if not mine then no one's."
She snuggles him and lets out a watery giggle.
"Jealous type, huh?" she mumbles into his chest. "Thanks."
"I think it seems kind of silly to get in a fight over it, anyway. You're. You're the fucking Emperor? Marks on my wrists or not I'm kind of screwed either way if you decide to do something, who even cares. I'm just - tired. I just want to be safe."
... And she's out. It was a long day with a lot of emotions. A lot of crying. Not a lot of sleep the night before, or the nights before that.