Darkness steadily encroaches upon a secluded park. It's not quite far enough into evening to earn the term 'night,' but it's certainly getting there. The sun's probably finished setting, but the park isn't well situated to tell. There are better places to watch the sunset, which maybe explains why this park is so empty. That doesn't make it any less pretty, though. Just a good place to get away from people for a while.
He looks thoughtfully at Zeothe, and then - he has a new face. Same height and build, nothing that would make him need to relearn major motor skills; all the differences are in cosmetic details, although the new facial structure might still take some getting used to.
"I am that, aren't I." He runs a hand through the mess of wavy curls that is now his hair. "This is weird. Am I making expressions that make sense, my face is all. Different."
"Your smile didn't look weird, but I'd have to see more facial expressions from you to say. .... Can I pet you."
"Thank you, it's so essential to my character. Now, can I borrow a mirror so I can make ridiculous faces at myself?"
A spontaneous flower grows out of the floor to give him a charming little silver hand mirror.
She considers him, then leans up and gently cups his face to kiss his cheek.
"Really. It - hurt, to not have him be somewhere in the world. Thank you."
She smiles back, then steps out of the embrace. Zeothe might give her a weird look if he came back to her snuggling and making eyes at the Emperor. She'd rather not have to weather any weird look at all.
"Knowing my brother," she says, "once he's got his face under control he's going to want to go check things out immediately. Want to help me make an adventure bundle for him?"
"All of the things I expect my brother is going to want or need while going on whatever adventure he's on. He does this a lot, I have a system. Typical staples include money, various weapons of assorted sizes, a water canteen, portable food of some kind, rope, maybe a change of socks. Things someone that is running around in the middle of the night like a lunatic would like to have. ... Boots. He will need a sturdy pair of waterproof boots, he doesn't have his anymore."
Yeah he's smiling adoringly at her again.
(He really wants to be hugging her, but given that she very recently stopped hugging him, he probably shouldn't. She's so cute though! It is a dilemma.)