Theo, Ev, Rachel, Gabe and Henry in Proximal
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Cute guy Thar indeed is in this class! … But he's over by Thir. Talking to Thir. It's Thir and Thar sitting at one table in the History room. That might be confusing for some people.

So, unfortunately for Kay, he can't actually talk to cute guy Thar. He can probably look at him from afar, though.


Ah, but don't you see, History is super great on this planet too. It's super super— Yeah, no, Thar has nothing good to think about History. There were witch hunts. They also at some point lived in weird tribal camps before they all banded together and did science and whatever the hell else. Or something.

He's really not much of a fan of History, at least not the school subject.

Next, Thar and Rashel have Chemistry! They spend a lot of it talking and working, generally being good students, staying in good favor with the teachers, and trying not to get bored.


And Ev, Krian and Kay have Bio.

Yaay, Bio, look at all these ways in which the body works, respiration and tissues and whatever. They're on animals right now, not plants, so there's nothing about xylem or whatever.

Ev pays some attention, because these classes are important, for the future and for exams and whatever. Also if he ever needs to work out some way to really seriously harm someone – maybe he'll get some tips and pointers on what artery to aim for and how to smash up some muscle or something.

Or, you know, he can continue being a good student, in a good city, with rather low crime rates and probably no need to cause anyone serious harm. That sounds preferable.

But. You know. Just in case.


If Krian shares this kind of just in case attitude, he isn't sharing with Ev.

Of course, one might remember he is looking into learning martial arts, which are a set of refined principles for hurting people when necessary and he finds biology interesting.


Kay amuses himself by copying the complicate biological diagrams in his notes.


Ev might be paying more attention than it seems. You never know, maybe the ability to induce pain will come in handy for reasons other than self-defense.


It might be a good thing Kay can't hear Ev's narration about possible uses of pain. He just might offer his opinions.


Ev doesn't care to share.

Know what's next? What's next is lunch. Woo!


Thar does not care to woo. Thar is a little bit tired and just sits at the lunch table next to Ev.


The cousin sit at same table. Kay offers cookies all around.


And they both talk with Thir about their possible martial arts practice. Krian came up with a couple of more questions during biology and Thir might or might not be able to answer them.


Thar takes a cookie and puts it on his tray for dessert.


As does Ev!

Thir in fact can answer a few of those questions, which might help to narrow down a discipline or style, or at least rule some out, so that's nice.


This pretty much solidifies the cousins plans. Krian is even excited about it.


Eventually lunch will end. Ev and Krian now have lit.


And Thar and Kay have math. Finally.

Thar is actually in a pretty decent mood after lunch, and might be up for a chat if Kay would so desire. They also might sit close enough to one another for this to be feasible, due to the layout of this math classroom being quite flexible. They don't have a seating plan or anything, and the teacher is relatively lax about where they sit so long as they seem to be getting on with the work.


Literature... so useful.


Kay is pretty good at math too. At least there are clear steps to take and solve things. As oppose to memorizing law number 57 about recycling. So what does Thar think of math?


That also likes math! Math is better than a lot of things, like literature, drama (which he doesn't take), art (which he also doesn't take), geography, history… A lot of things.

He likes government, though – they don't actually make you do silly things in these government classes. There's nothing like "memorize law number 57", it's more like: "What are the general aims of (the Recycling Act of Some Year, the Other Act of Some Other Year, or …)? Detail some ways in which this has helped (the community, the environment, …). How does this relate to (Other Act)?" 

That sort of question could be boring, and they can definitely get long-winded responses, but they're taught specific structures to answer it and the subject itself is actually kinda engaging if you plan on going into anything related to it. And it's not just exam questions like that or anything – a large part of the course is based on your ability to argue your points accurately and concisely, as well as actually trying to cover things you need to know instead of just random facts.

There are some random facts, and you do study some things in more detail than is really necessary, but overall Thar likes government.

Some of that might be Rashel's doing.


Sadly Kay lacked a Rashel in his life until recently. Krian is a good influence, but only so much.

Kay does come off as respecting his cousin a great deal.


Aww, that's nice. But they shouldn't really be talking about how much they individually care about government, nor communicating random information about their respective good influences, because they're in math.



Math. Math. Math until no longer math.



And then Thar has Bio.


Ev now has Chemistry with Krian!

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