Theo, Ev, Rachel, Gabe and Henry in Proximal
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"Rashel looks like the type that is fun to go clubbing with. Not sure about Thar."


"Yeah," he says, smiling. "Rashel's great when she's in the mood for it. Thar can be pretty good when he unwinds, but sometimes that takes a bit."

He thinks a bit, then decides that he in fact will tell Kay something. Making sure the other guys aren't too focused on what he's saying, he says, "Rashel and Thar work pretty well together. They'd make a cute couple, and I'd set them up, but unfortunately I don't think they're into each other that way."


"And it's likely their friendship will go up in flames if you try?"


Ev laughs. "Nah, I'd be more worried about my friendship with them."


Gabe also laughs. "It's so funny how people don't like when you meddle!"


"I'm sure I could get them to be okay with me meddling, if I really cared that much, but it would overall be worse. Plus, while they really could work well as a couple, I don't actually think they'd get to the coupley stage."


Krian returns. "Hey, got a couple of recommendations from Thir."


"Talking about not pairing up Rashel and Thar."


"Huh," Krian says with a look at Ev, then he explains the two martial arts Thir recommended.


Ev listens patiently. He's probably not going to use this information, and it's probably mainly aimed at Kay, but he'll still listen just in case.


They talk about it until the bell.


And eventually the bell does go!

Ev has government with Kay, and Krian has government with Thar and Rashel.


Thar and Rashel start walking to class, still talking to each other


Krian goes to class. He isn't actually following Rashel and Thar, but ends up going at same pace as them simply because they're going in the same direction.


Well, see, government can be kinda boring, but it's not solely focused on the structure of the government and how the things interact – it also includes information on laws, how they affect the individual, government schemes that are in place, pros and cons of historical schemes and systems and policies, and overall teaches you a lot that isn't just focused on 'these politicians do these things here and it's all very boring'.

Plus, they learn a few important (but still boring) things, like how to file taxes, some typical things that they might have to apply for or register for, and are also given information on how to apply for some volunteer schemes and participate in the general culture of helpfulness that permeates a lot of this society.


And anyway, government in this school is probably more relevant than back in Latere, since they have a lot of schemes and systems and things that apply in the local area.


Yeah, basically that. Rashel enjoys it because she happens to like learning about laws, especially if they affect her as an individual.


Oh, and they also often do independent research projects in lesson time, or group projects, and other things like that that mean the lessons are sometimes less structured, which allows her to talk.

To Thar. Because she talks to Thar a lot.

If Krian sits with them, she'll talk to him too – she's not going to exclude anybody; it's just that she usually speaks with Thar quite a lot when they share lessons.


Krian sits with them, mostly by accident. He only thought about it when they arrived in the room proper.


Kay still isn't moved to enjoy this class.


Well, government goes by despite Kay's opinion of it, and most people seem to… at least not hate it or be bored to tears by it, so that's nice. Rashel gets involved in a short ethical debate with Thar over the trolley problem, who knows how – it quickly results in Thar clarifying that he wasn't sure about what he would actually do, not that he wasn't sure what was 'right' to do – but otherwise it progresses pretty smoothly.

Next up: Rashel has History with Ev.


And Thar has History with Kay and Krian.



Krian thinks the trolley problem has a very clear and obvious solution and isn't afraid of say so.


Well yes, and Rashel has already pointed out her opinions (that seem to be rather similar to Krian's), and Thar agrees with them that the obvious solution is the moral solution – he was just saying that he wasn't totally sure if he would.

He would now because he has a mental Rashel shouting that inaction is an action and it'd be his fault, so Krian doesn't have to worry if Thar is ever placed in such a situation, don't worry, but he was just trying to accurately predict himself and he thought he might not.

But now he will.

Anyway. History: woo.


Krian is glad that Thar will make the rationally correct decision in the extremely unlikely scenario it can come up.


History... at least Krian is in this class. Plus cute guy Thar.

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