Alli's out of Lethe's Bramble again. She found a reference to a potion- almost like a memory purge but backwards, it's a memory aid. But she keeps getting it wrong, and all she has to show for it is a lack of potion ingredients and distinct difficulty remembering the last three books she read.
She planned for that, at least; they're not school books or anything. But she wants to get this potion right,and more importantly, she wants to have it done before exams. So today she can be found in the Magic Box, digging through the herb selections.
"Ugh, least organized spices ever," she mutters to herself.
Soph wants to stop on something comedic and insubstantial. It proceeds to distract her thoroughly from her own homework.
Alli has no particularly high opinion of homework and is fully in favor of comedic fluff. She alternates between chuckling at the jokes and, when particularly frustrated at Obviously Stupid things the characters are doing, throwing things at the television. She appears, in fact, to have a pile of post-it notes next to the couch for just such a purpose.
And Bella keeps an eye on the clock and says, "Better get going," when sunset begins to threaten.
Here Ends This Thread