She eyes Jenny's slightly manic eye gleam and pities the remaining dateless male students. "...Miranda, we may be the ones without dates." Unspoken is please don't make me be the only one, but Miranda's already been pretty firm about her disinterest in dates, so Emma doesn't feel compelled to say it aloud.
"I hope so, but whatever." Alli shrugs philosophically. "Either it's awesome, and then it's awesome, or he's a git and I ditch him for you guys and it's awesome. So, awesome."
"And predictable," Vivian laughs. "There's more important things to think about than boys, you know!"
She knows Miranda's joking but she gets a little defensive anyway. "Well, there wasn't anywhere for queer wizards to go! And it's important they have a place for themselves, and know there's someone to talk to, and there's reasons." She manages to cut off before she gets too far down her usual soapbox road, and glances apologetically at Miranda. "Besides, obviously, girls being cute too."
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I hear 'stop mentioning the QSA all the time already' even when it's really, really obvious that's not what's happening." She ducks her head. "You are an awesome ally and I didn't mean to rant."
Miranda shrugs. "I haven't done any special allying and you don't have to backpedal all the way into praise."