"I... actually need to go to class." (She really does; breakfast is only so long. But mostly FLEEEEE.) "I'll see you at lunch?"
Vivian hurries off to class. She's not panicking as much as she could be- she didn't say no, she said maybe, she's thinking about it, she likes her hair!- but she's still visibly frazzled when she slips into her seat.
Alli sits next to Vivian anyway, but she gets a good look and scoots closer. "You okay, Viv? You look like you got gobsmacked by a pixie."
Vivian stares at her. "I'm fine, and I refuse to believe that is an actual expression," she says.
Vivian doesn't bother responding to the nickname, just looks thoughtfully at Alli. Finally she blurts out, "ImaybeaskedKarentotheball."
"I asked Karen to the ball," Vivian hisses again. Their professor looks about ready to start class, and Vivian eyes him nervously.
"I heard you! Just. Had to process." Alli takes a second to think, then says approvingly. "Go you! Karen's great."
The sharp "Attention please, students!" is not directed at them. Not entirely at them. Okay, a lot at them.
She says in a rush, "Don't say anything to her, please?"
"Five points from Slytherin, Miss Kowalski."
Despite the temptation to sabotage Slytherin Alli does shut up, but spends the rest of class nudging Vivian periodically and beaming.
When they get to lunch, she reminds Alli, "You promised," before going to grab food.
Alli is good for her promise. But she does spend a lot of time unnecessarily beaming. She can claim it's about her date if she has to, she can beam if she wants to.
"It was fine, um, got my essay back, did well - uh, so I thought about it and yeah I'll go to the ball with you."
"I-" She stops. Colors are supposed to match, right? Or go together at least a little? "I don't remember what color your dress robes are? Sorry."
"Checking we don't look strange next to each other. Isn't that a thing? With outfits?" Well, that too. She smiles. "You'll match my hair."
Vivian squirms happily in her chair. KarenKarenKaren. "We'll still go with the group and everything, just." She smiles even wider, possibly defying some laws of physics in the process. "I'm excited!"
"Hmmm?" Jenny perks up, only half listening. "Wait, you weren't going to come with us? Whaaaa?"
Vivian- looks to Karen for permission. She can make something up if Karen wants to wait to talk about it.