"Weird!" Jenny proclaims. "But it would be reeeeally odd not to spend Christmas with my family, so, yay?"
"I wonder if there is such a thing as broomstick dancing. Like ice dancing. It should be a thing."
"You could start a club! It's really not that hard," Vivian suggests. (She would know; her QSA meetings are not massively attended, but they limp along all right.)
"I'm thinking about wearing this one," Emma says, tapping the pale green robe closest to her, "but I can wear any of them." She eyes the one that's a shade somewhere between pink and orange. "Most of them."
"Anyway, I found my spare," Karen says, producing a royal blue dress robe. "There's a splodge on it that will not come out, but I know what made it so if you wanted to mix up more of the same potion and turn it into a pattern you could. Or just hack it off and wear it daringly short, I don't care what happens to this robe." The splodge is a sort of periwinkle near the hem.
"I'll take the pink one! It's pretty," Jenny says rather defensively. She touches the robe, which turns into outright petting it. "Oooooh, and it's so soft."
Alli snags the royal blue from Karen and holds it up, trying to eyeball where the stain would be cut off. "It wouldn't even be that short on me, I think?" she guesses. "What do you think, guys? Too short even for me?"
Vivian quietly gets permission from Emma to collect the simpler of the two extra robes. It's a pale purple she's not convinced will look good on her but it's at least edged in a darker purple she likes better, and the other one she's pretty sure will make her skin look green. Purple it is!
Jenny sizes up Alli. "I think it'll turn out all right? You won't make the Headmistress faint, at least."
"Just don't twirl too energetically," Miranda says. She takes the last spare Emma robe, a sky blue. "This looks like it'll probably fit me."
Jenny spots Alli's contemplative expression. "You'll get thrown out sooooo fast," she points out. "Doesn't that sorta ruin the fun?"