"There's toys, and children's books, and films-" they went over films with Karen, right? She vaguely remembers they did. "-and things like that. It's not something you have to learn about in a class, always, not like... I don't know. Weirder science."
"...Wizards mostly don't do public libraries," Miranda mentions. "There are books, but if you're going to read them you basically have to buy them or get them at Hogwarts. That may be a factor, that and not having television."
Vivian decides that now is perhaps not the time to get into cave people. "Sorry," she says, trying to sound reassuring. "It's- more me being confused by the whole wix world again, I think. I mean, I feel like that all the time here- magic is real? Fairies? Cauldrons and broomsticks and all that stuff?"
Vivian thinks about it. "A lot of it they went over with my letter, but I didn't really talk to people much my first two years? So I still get surprised by things sometimes." She shrugs self-deprecatingly. "Like dinosaurs." She smiles tentatively at Karen. "You should try the Muggle world sometime." It comes out as a suggestion, almost a question.
"I don't know what I'd... do? Also apparently being black is like... a thing. That I don't know how to deal with at all."
"It probably won't even come up if you're only going for a walk," Miranda says. "I just said it was like being Muggleborn because I couldn't come up with anything more like it than that."
"You don't have to or anything. I just thought it might be interesting." She smiles a little. "See a dinosaur skeleton or something."
"Also if I screwed something up and someone had to be Memory Charmed Miranda would probably never speak to me again."
"Not after the massive lecture you wouldn't. Anyway, maybe when I'm older? But it makes me really nervous to even think about it right now."
Vivian's eyes dart back and forth between Karen and Miranda awkwardly. She's not sure what they're talking about but they're clearly referencing something and she... will not be asking while Miranda is making that face. "When you know more spells, you mean?" she guesses.
"No, when I know more about... things in general. You can't do spells in front of Muggles anyway."
"I think Karen is slightly overestimating the risk of just going out to lunch in Muggle London or something, but doing it as adults is less risky just because people feel entitled to ask teenagers more questions about what they're doing in public places."
Vivian crinkles her nose. "It's so strange thinking of myself like that. I always forget that if I wasn't here, I'd already be in third form somewhere. It seems so much older in my head."
"Ugh, I know - I mean kind of - I keep expecting to be in the youngest year in the school like I haven't watched the hat sort two whole years of kids after us."
"I like the new students all right, at least," Vivian says. "At last, someone who knows less than me!"
"Imagine when we're in seventh and there is no one who is supposed to know more than us. We'll have the younger kids asking us stuff and expecting us to be able to answer."
"Nooooo," Vivian groans. "Growing up not allowed! Too scary." Then she blinks at Karen and says faintly, "...I feel for whatever poor soul decides to ask Alli."