"No, just the one. I've thought about getting a second but it feels sort of like thinking about getting another eye, right in the middle of my forehead, no matter how useful either thing would be."
Vivian can't help but laugh at the image. "Does that make Miranda a..." she stops, confused. "Cyclops isn't right. Is there a name for that?"
Vivian hides her face in her hands. "That was obvious, wasn't it," she sighs into her palms. "It was obvious, I am officially bad at words."
"Three years ago dragons and unicorns weren't real either! Now look at me, doing magic homework with a wand in my robe."
"They didn't suddenly come real when you learned about magic. Think how confusing that would be for the poor dragons and unicorns."
Vivian's eyes dance. "Just think. I'd have to stop learning immediately! Who knows what I could do by finding out more things? Next thing we know, dinosaurs are back."
"...you don't know about dinosaurs...? They're- wingless dragons from millions of years ago? Museums have their skeletons sometimes?"
Vivian shrugs, embarrassed. "Seemed easier to picture than 'really large lizards', I don't know." She frowns. "I know wix use magic instead of science, but that's history too? And it's not like you don't know Muggles are there, you're not accidentally ignoring everything we know." She looks at Miranda questioningly. "You... seem to know both wix and Muggle stuff? Help?"
"Wixen children go to primary school until age eleven and learn sums and how to read and write and some folklore, some very wix-focused history and government and so on, bits of music and art in some schools. They're not being prepared for their A-levels, they're getting the basics handled so they can go to Hogwarts - and you know how much science we cover here. I don't know how good the Muggle Studies program is but they don't have very much time to cover dinosaurs when they need to cover dishwashers and stamps and why there's such an awkward relationship between the Ministry and the American wizarding government."
"But...but..." Vivian splutters. "Don't wix know how the world started? Don't they wonder? It's not like they're 'choosing wix history over Muggle history' during the dinosaurs, there weren't wix then either!"
"I know about dinosaurs, but I think the usual idea is that science is that thing that Muggles have instead of magic, and dinosaurs are a Science Thing, so they must only concern Muggles, like dishwashers," shrugs Miranda. "Please don't ask me questions like you think I'm responsible for primary wixen education in Britain. I'm really not."
"Sorry!" Vivian says instantly, looking down. "I don't think you're responsible at all, I swear! It just- seems all backwards, and I don't know who is responsible, so I just rant." She shuffles her feet. "So. Sorry."
"Mum teaches little little wixen, like five year olds, but she's mostly just teaching them to behave in a classroom setting and read," says Miranda. "She doesn't have a chance to go over dinosaurs, generally, and if she did most of the kids would figure they were made up if they ever thought about them again - little wixen like made-up stuff as much as Muggles do, only different stuff counts."
"I don't think I could even say when I learned about dinosaurs?" Vivian says helplessly. "It's just- something people know. I thought. I guess wix probably learn about dragons the same way."
"I had a really mixed-up education. I did go to a little bit of Muggle school but I don't think that's how I learned dinosaurs were a thing."