"I'm not in a huge hurry, don't worry about it. I mean, unless you're in a huge hurry, are you?"
"No! You're just being really nice and letting me join your study group and I didn't want to hold you up."
Vivian squirms. "Well, it's better than I had before, anyway. Thanks for including me?"
Mumbling about overly similar runes and how one of these languages was enough, Vivian fixes it. "Thanks."
"I'm just upset about getting them mixed up. Chinese at least I know how to keep straight. I do enjoy Runes most of the time, but homework is still homework."
"I'm doing an independent study on wandlore, that's probably my favorite new class. Runes is memorizey and Arithmancy's kind of... mechanical at this level."
"That's so cool! I couldn't think of anything to do. Maybe in a couple years. What's wandlore like?"
"It's all about woods and cores and what they mean - there's kind of a lot of statistics. I'm trying to figure out a way to verify for sure if Miranda's second wand is really chimaera hair core because I think that'd be a good final project."
"Walnut is supposed to be for smart people. And it doesn't get picky about what it casts like some wands can - if you get walnut and it likes you it'll do whatever as long as you know what you're doing. And unicorn tail hair bonds to the first user - other wands if you win them or even sometimes inherit them they're pretty friendly but a unicorn hair one won't ever cooperate quite as well with a second owner. And unicorn hair is the hardest of the three typical cores to turn to Dark magic. Not that it can't be done. This is all pretty subtle effects anyway, a good witch or wizard with a wand that likes them can do most anything if they try."
"There's an old rhyme that says 'ash is stubborn'. But not, like, cocky. Ash is sort of like unicorn hair in that you don't get great results with a secondhand one but dragon heartstring doesn't have that trait. Dragon heartstring's strongest in raw power of the traditional three Ollivander cores."
"I mean, it's a wand, not a seer. Maybe you won't ever need the oomph. There's only three choices if you went to Ollivander's anyway, for cores."
"One of my wands is just pine and phoenix feather, but Ollivander wouldn't sell me a backup, so I went to a secondhand shop and they sold me this hazel one, which reportedly has chimaera hair but they weren't sure. It's sure unusual, though, I get very high-power spells out of it."