"Exploding Snap is cards. You mean, like, generic cards? Sometimes but not that often. Instruments - I guess, I don't think it's that common, do a lot of Muggles pick it up? I did an acting bit in a regular theater production once when I was six, but that doesn't sound like what you mean. Sometimes somebody will throw a cotillion. We don't have telly or cinema. I know how to swim but we don't go to the seaside all that often. I'm not sure what swings are and tag would be more fun on brooms... Diagon Alley's mostly shopping, yeah, but there's other alleys with residences."
"Well, I think there's lots of kinds of cards. But yeah, wix just seem so... scattered? Unless there's places the size of London that are just wizards, but it doesn't seem like it."
"Well, there aren't that many of us compared to Muggles. You might've heard people talking about it, especially after the war, a lot of people died in that."
"I've heard some, yeah. Are things starting to get back to normal? I know some Muggle history, it was a mess for years after the last big wars."
"Things are still - weird. I don't know, I was pretty insulated from a lot of it. My family didn't really get hit. I remember things being different before but that might have been because I was little."
"Well, it's good you made it out okay, at least," Vivian says tentatively. (What do you say in a conversation like this? She has no idea what happened, really.) "What was it like when you were little? How'd you wind up in an acting bit, anyway, that sounds utterly adorable."
"Oh, my dad's friend from Hogwarts has a little theater in wizarding London and needed a girl about my age for a part. I barely remember it."
"Oh well, there goes my image of tiny you in your witch hat very seriously reciting Shakespeare."
"Well, I don't know any wix plays! He was the only one I could think of who might be famous enough to have crossed over."
"I've heard of him but I'm not sure if I had done before Miranda said where her name is from."
"I left Muggle school at eleven, I am not going to be much help. That's cool though! I'm named after an American actress, I think. What about you?"
"My flat growing up was near mostly Chinese families," Vivian says with a shrug. "Karen's not boring when your friends are named Wei or Li. Everyone here has interesting names, to me. And I like yours. Both of them."
The silence goes on just long enough to fluster Vivian, so she grasps at her easy excuse. "I should say hello to the newcomers," she tells Karen, waving at the table with the frogs; there are indeed a few newcomers. "Say hi, see what people think of the events, the usual. Any thoughts on the subject yourself?" She pauses for a second. "And... You're in my Runes class, right? Do you already have a study group...?"
"I've just been studying on my own. I'm... not really chock full of thoughts on. The subject. Unless there was a formal discussion topic posted somewhere and I missed it?"
This is not entirely true; Vivian has very good study habits. But Runes is not her best subject, and she would like a study buddy. Really.
The next week, the evening after the teacher assigns their weekly Runes packet, Vivian shows up in the library with her Runes books and nervously heads for Karen's usual table. Maybe she forgot? Maybe Karen's friends are here and won't want her to join? Why is socializing so hard.
Karen is sitting across from Miranda, who has a book on healing spells open and is intently writing an essay in ballpoint pen on a long roll of parchment. Karen has her Runes book and packet out and waves at Vivian.