She looks back at Miranda's apologetic face and Karen's disappointment. "I'm not particularly attached to the time," she mentions. "We can move it around, if that would help."
Is it horribly obvious she wants to spend time with them? It's probably horribly obvious.
"It probably wouldn't. Please don't inconvenience your own schedule on my behalf. I don't know that I'll have anything salient to say in the first place."
Jenny wanders in, dragging a reluctant Emma. "You'll get your homework done later. We are being good friends, you can come be supportive for ten minutes, Emma, I swear-" but stops short at the sight of Alli. "Alli, is that your second cake? You're supposed to leave some for the rest of us!"
"I left some for the rest of you!" Alli says indignantly. "Just also with two for me. Hush, you, they're delicious." She grins at Vivian. "Besides, housemate power, or something. Vivian's cool with it, right?"
She pointedly does not comment on 'housemate power'. Alli's met the rest of their House.
Ack, she is supposed to greet people, she should not be failing at that. "Hi! Thanks for coming," she tells the newcomers, aware she's saying basically the same thing as Karen but not having a better idea. "The cauldron cakes are on the desk if you want one."
"See, Alli? She said one," Jenny says loftily. "Cake thieeeeeef." She walks over and picks two cakes off the table.
"Wha- but-" Alli splutters. "Hey, she also said it was fine! And you just took two too! What gives?!"
Jenny walks back over and hands Emma the second cauldron cake, while giving Alli a Look. It is the Look of Misbehaving Younger Sibling. Fear the Look. Respect the Look.
Emma is too polite to roll her eyes, but she strongly considers it. Whether at her friends or at her mother's voice in her head- Emma, don't talk about people in the third person in front of them, it's terribly rude!- she doesn't know. "She is right here," she says. "Sorry, Vivian." She takes a bite and her eyes light up. "Oh wow, these are good."
Vivian smiles. Even if people just come for the cauldron cakes, at least they're coming. She'll take it. "It's fine. Glad you like them."
Vivian flushes. "Oh, no, they're just from Hogsmeade. I can cook some, I suppose, but I wouldn't even know how to start here. Are we even allowed in the kitchens?"
"We're awfully far away from anything to order food by owl. I don't like stale cauldron cakes that much."
"The packaged ones survive the trip okay," says Miranda. "But Hogsmeade makes more sense."
"And hey, it's probably cheaper, too. Geez, owl delivery all the way here is expensive!"
"Awww, thanks! I mean, I don't really shop for stuff, but I appreciate the thought anyway."
She's still somewhat nervous that everyone here is just passingly curious and the group will only have two members and Madam Hooch will object to such a small group and she'll have to shut it down or go informal or... well, she'd like this to succeed. This is something that should exist. And since it doesn't, she will make it.