And she's waiting, wands crossed in her hair, nervously checking them every now and again. "Where are we going?" she inquires.
"Whatever you like, of course!"
Lockhart arranges to borrow them brooms from the school. Fortunately Hogwarts does have a couple nicer ones than the training brooms lying around, a legacy of a professor in years past with a horrible phobia of Apparating and a tendency to wander the nearby countryside. Lockhart presents one to Miranda with a bow.
Lockhart arranges to borrow them brooms from the school. Fortunately Hogwarts does have a couple nicer ones than the training brooms lying around, a legacy of a professor in years past with a horrible phobia of Apparating and a tendency to wander the nearby countryside. Lockhart presents one to Miranda with a bow.
It is, as promised, a reasonably short flight. They wind up in a forest, with a couple Muggle villages on the outskirts and not much else. He has them land in a clearing outside the forest. "Not safe to be on brooms near Dementors. Just in case, you know, if they sneak up on you- Harry Potter told me, he fell from his broom once- well. We'll walk from here."
He's not sure exactly where they are- the Ministry hardly has GPS coordinates- but he should be able to at least get them close enough to follow by the cold.
He's not sure exactly where they are- the Ministry hardly has GPS coordinates- but he should be able to at least get them close enough to follow by the cold.
"Okay. And I suppose I had better not cast till we're close or it might notice and escape."
Miranda squints.
And takes two long steps forward while she casts: "Expecto patronum!"
And here is her shiny person, much taller than its prey, advancing faster than its caster.
And takes two long steps forward while she casts: "Expecto patronum!"
And here is her shiny person, much taller than its prey, advancing faster than its caster.
Miranda looks over her shoulder and trips. She maintains her hold on her wand, and her Patronus continues to chase the first Dementor, but it can't multitask.
"There's another one, behind you, hold it off!" she shouts at Lockhart.
"There's another one, behind you, hold it off!" she shouts at Lockhart.
This was not in the plan, this was not in the plan, there was supposed to be one of them, this was not in the plan at all.
Shaking, Lockhart pulls out his wand. "Expecto Patronum!" he ventures.
Nothing happens. He backs away as the Dementor approaches, clutching his head. "No," he whimpers, "I'm smart, I'm talented, Mother said."
Shaking, Lockhart pulls out his wand. "Expecto Patronum!" he ventures.
Nothing happens. He backs away as the Dementor approaches, clutching his head. "No," he whimpers, "I'm smart, I'm talented, Mother said."
"Lying was a bad idea!" hisses Miranda.
And she pulls her second wand out of her hair and tries, unable to cross her fingers with a wand in each hand:
"Expecto patronum!"
Oh thank goodness - now there are two.
The little one streaks past Lockhart at the second Dementor.
And she pulls her second wand out of her hair and tries, unable to cross her fingers with a wand in each hand:
"Expecto patronum!"
Oh thank goodness - now there are two.
The little one streaks past Lockhart at the second Dementor.
Once there's a Patronus between him and the Dementor, he starts to recover, but slowly. "'m famous, 'm..." he mutters, as the color slowly bleaches back into his skin. "...five-time winner..."
The Dementors, meanwhile, are encountering the Silverlight Patronus charms Miranda sent after them. It's not going well for them. They don't vanish quite instantly, but they get visibly small much faster. After only a second or two of contact with the Silverlights, there's nothing left of them but cloaks.
The Dementors, meanwhile, are encountering the Silverlight Patronus charms Miranda sent after them. It's not going well for them. They don't vanish quite instantly, but they get visibly small much faster. After only a second or two of contact with the Silverlights, there's nothing left of them but cloaks.
When the Dementors are dead Miranda dismisses the big Patronus. The little one drifts towards Lockhart, hopefully comfortingly.
Miranda herself is disinclined to be comforting. "You can't cast a Patronus?!"
Miranda herself is disinclined to be comforting. "You can't cast a Patronus?!"
Rrrrrrg - that's harder than the little Confundus and it's harder than the Veritaserum.
She wrestles with the charm for a minute - then shakes her head.
"Hermione said you might try that," she says conversationally, putting her regular wand back in her hair and drawing the chimaera again. "Score one for paranoia. Don't try it again."
She wrestles with the charm for a minute - then shakes her head.
"Hermione said you might try that," she says conversationally, putting her regular wand back in her hair and drawing the chimaera again. "Score one for paranoia. Don't try it again."
Today has not been going according to any plans. Lockhart is very obviously distressed by this.
"That girl," he sighs, almost snarling. Then he plasters back on a smile. "Well, then. Miss Swan, breaker of Patronus charms." No reason to admit he's never had a Patronus, she's broken them before, hasn't she? He didn't say- "What comes now, then?"
"That girl," he sighs, almost snarling. Then he plasters back on a smile. "Well, then. Miss Swan, breaker of Patronus charms." No reason to admit he's never had a Patronus, she's broken them before, hasn't she? He didn't say- "What comes now, then?"
"Neither Dementors nor Patronus casters are common, Miss Swan. Tragically, the man who taught me died in the war."
He's rather grateful that this is, in fact, true. Except for the part where he succeeded in learning it, of course, but he did at one point try, and the teacher in question was one of the Auror casualties in retaking the Ministry.
(He's tried anything considered "for exceptional wizards only" at some point in his life. It's just that only if he immediately succeeded that he would continue.)
He's rather grateful that this is, in fact, true. Except for the part where he succeeded in learning it, of course, but he did at one point try, and the teacher in question was one of the Auror casualties in retaking the Ministry.
(He's tried anything considered "for exceptional wizards only" at some point in his life. It's just that only if he immediately succeeded that he would continue.)