"Okay," Emma says timidly. "Do you, um. Still want me to come with you to Slughorn's...?"
There are a number of things running through her head, but they all sound too pathetic to her, so she declines to say any of them. Instead she just goes with, "I do, I mean- I just- I. Um. You're my friend, I want to help."
"Hello. This should be pretty quick. I need a dose my size of Veritaserum to test my Occlumency."
Having found the cabinet he's looking for, he taps it with his wand; the doors open and he picks out the vial of Veritaserum. He measures very, very carefully a tiny dose into an empty vial, and offers it to her.
"You'll be careful, won't you, Miss Swan? Strong stuff, this is."
"I'm trusting your measurements. Do I need to not drink pumpkin juice for a week or something like that?"
"Yeah, I'll just sit with my friends until I'm sure I can fight it off or it's out of my system," agrees Miranda. "Thank you, Professor."
Once they're out of the room, Emma looks at Miranda- and the bottle in her hand- worriedly. "Do you have, um, questions?" she asks. "That we should ask, I mean. I don't know how it works."
"I can write up a list," Miranda suggests. "I'll try to lie, but if I tell the truth it won't be a big deal."
"That sounds good," Emma agrees. "I don't want-" to make you upset again, "-to ask something bad by accident."
"Yeah, it'd be a little risky to just have a normal conversation. Do you think we should bother finding anybody else? Karen's probably still madly studying."
"What do you want to do?" Emma asks instead. "I mean... you're the one who's doing the test, if something goes wrong- if you want more, or less, or we could even wait for your mom I guess? If she could visit on the weekend, or something, you said she can Apparate."
She waves when she sees Emma and Miranda walking up. "Hi Em, hi Silverlight," she greets them cheerfully.
"I always feel like I'm some sort of Slytherin spy when I'm in Ravenclaw," Alli says to no one in particular. "Probably a good thing I don't like Slytherin enough to care. Let's goooo!"
Miranda produces quill and paper and starts thinking up questions, like what is your mother's maiden name and how many braids do you have and what is the title of your transfiguration essay. "You guys can help think of things if you want."