"Well, mostly Legilimency, but if you're good enough at it, supposedly it will do Veritaserum and Obliviation and so on. When I need to test it I'm going to ask Hermione to try to Confund me just a little bit because that's pretty safe if it's a small casting and it eventually wears off, and it'd be easier than getting ahold of Veritaserum."
"Hermione says that Lockhart was in the hospital because he was trying to cast a Memory Charm on someone and it backfired. She doesn't know if he's different now after being in the hospital for so long and probably not remembering what he used to do, but I don't want to go anywhere with him until I'm pretty sure he can't Memory Charm me. It's just the Confundus is a safer test."
"I'd take an Auror if somebody offered me one, but they haven't - or wait till summer if Mum could take me, but she can't - and he's offered. I just want to make sure I'm safe from wildlife and my escort at the same time."
"Ooookay, creepy. Also- cramming Occlumency and hoping it works on Memory Charms is better than waiting a couple months and getting an escort who's not a skeezebag?"
"I don't know if it'd be a couple months. I think the Aurors are annoyed with me. And Hermione's going to be too busy even after school's out to cart me around herself, even though she's totally qualified."
"I guess you did kinda trash their Patronuses," Emma concedes. "Aurors are supposed to be the good guys, though, they shouldn't care."
"They might not think somebody who trashes their Patronuses is such a good guy," Miranda points out.
"At least you get to kill Dementors," Jenny points out. She feels bad for thinking it, Miranda is clearly freaked out by the Memory Charm thing, but- she wants Dementors to die. All of them.
"Yeah. That's basically the most important thing. If I get them all it won't be nearly as important if some people don't have Patronuses. I think they're also useful for Lethifolds, though."
"I'm going to read all the books and do the exercises in them until I feel like I'm done or stuck, whichever, and then ask Hermione, and - well, it'll depend on whether the charm works or not."
"The last time you were this intense about something, the result was Silverlight," Alli laughs. "You're good."
"You're good at other stuff!" Jenny agrees. "You're way ahead of me and Emma in class, and you're good at flying."
"All right, I'm interestingly exceptional at at least one thing, but Occlumency is supposed to take years."
"Interestingly exceptional in Occlumency is like... being a natural one," Emma points out. "There's only been a couple of those ever. Picking it up quickly would be just... normal-exceptional. And waaaaaaay too much studying," she adds with a grin.
"Yeah. Well, even if I didn't maybe need Lockhart's help now that I know it's a thing I'd want to do it anyway."
"Yeah, see, I am now actually afraid of what you're going to have done by the time we graduate," Alli says airily. "Miranda Silverlight, World Ruler."