sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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Judge asks about five of the orders in particular, asks about the effects of the curfew on homeless people, describes some incidents of people dying under the occupation (couldn't get to the hospital, shot for annoying a cop, lost access to their medication, deaf and didn't hear an order to leave an area...) and asks miscellaneous clarifying questions about the systems in place to prevent such incidents.


She stumbles her way through the questions and at one point starts crying.


Judge seems somewhat accustomed to that, and waits. "Is there anything else you'd like to submit for the consideration of the court."


"I don't know what else would be - relevant -"


"Sentencing guidelines take into account cooperation in identifying other suspects, likelihood of reoffending, capacity to make restitution to the victims..."


"I don't know who else you wouldn't already have, I don't understand how you even got me..."


"There are no barriers to arresting everyone involved in the functioning of the former Oahk Empire, but if some people are engaged in abuses beyond those documented in written orders, that might not yet have come to our attention."


"- there's a few, uh -" She can name a handful of people who are a little free with their underlings.


Judge takes notes. 

Judge looks through notes consideringly for a few minutes. "All right. I'm finding the defendant guilty of misconduct in the course of an illegal occupation, mitigating considerations include that the defendant was not ideally positioned to mitigate most of the relevant harms, was cooperative with the investigation, was cooperative with concurrent investigations. I'm imposing a sentence of four years' imprisonment, up for early parole in one given good behavior, effort to familiarize herself with local law and expectations, continued assistance should it be required in other prosecutions, and comprehensive efforts to make restitution. If we put the value of seized assets towards prison costs there's not going to be anything left for restitution to victims and their families, looks like, so I'm obliging the distribution of assets for restitution first. If that doesn't leave enough to pay prison costs the court is directed to pull it out of the fund for Oahk Empire expenses. I'm imposing a bar on purchase of a child credit for the duration of the sentence but not a sterilization. Questions?"


"Where's - where's my wife -"


"Someone else is hearing that case. I don't know if they've concluded it yet -" poke poke - "decision's not up. Questions which the clerk can't answer?"


"What is it you want me to do about restitution -"


"One of the things I want you to do is figure out what would be appropriate, but some examples from case law include doing research into the effects that illegal policies had, meeting with the families of the victims to hear their version of events, funding a memorial, writing a detailed and honest explanation for future historians and researchers of how the decisions were made and the misconduct normalized and accepted..."


"...but I'm going to be in prison."


"Unless you abuse it there's internet in prison."


"So - meeting with them means emailing them -?"


"And then if they see fit they can come visit you in prison, yes."


"I don't know whether Anitam houses family together -"


"Yes. Reduces recidivism."


She has no further questions.


The other judge reaches a similar conclusion. They're brought to the same room this time.


Wives hug.


Avalor gets a ride back to Milliways.


She appreciates that.


Amentans are planning further meddling with the Oahk Empire. "How was it?"

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