"Amentans have a higher birthrate and want children more intensely than most species past their demographic transition. As a result, we've been close to our planet's carrying capacity for a long time and until recently every country in the world was implementing coercive population controls. Now we have colony planets, and have delightedly relaxed them. The access to other worlds has been good for us in other ways - the colonies can take immigrants, which means there's a potential outlet for would-be revolutionaries and for pilot projects with different systems of government and for people displaced by national disasters. The governments here are very conservative and risk-averse - an artifact of working in a world where hundreds of millions of people depend on you and there are few peaceful checks on poor decision-making - and we're hoping we can change now that there's literal and metaphorical space to experiment. We have a caste system, and among the experiments are experiments with various kinds of caste flexibility. Caste provides a lot of people with a sense of identity, community membership, culture and history, and caste abolition polls very poorly. We're a democratic society and we're not going to end the caste system in the face of massive public opposition, which means we're anticipating charting a course separate from the Federation. Though we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to trade with them."