sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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"Are you proposing to grant them some genuine franchise, or just have a process to take their feedback?"


"I think it'd be good if this process could in principle, in cases where it's appropriate, result in a change - that is to say, we'll look at the recommendations, and if they imply there's no point in making an arrest that'd be reason and an appropriate circumstance to withdraw the circles - but I don't think it's wise to give the panel the capacity to make binding recommendations, or anything like that."


"No point because... a murder victim is summoned and says the killer was misidentified or claims it was suicide or something of that nature?"


"Yes exactly. Civilian courts don't go to trial if the prosecutor no longer thinks the defendant is guilty. Right now, we still do, because we've got no other mechanism to prompt review. And of course we didn't need one when murder victims showing up to testify was not on the table."


"Hmm, all right."


"Thank you!"


She implements. 


She waits a while, during which time the court hears from a couple murder victims who are glad to have an opportunity to register that their murderer was an asshole and the GCP should throw the book at them. 



And then a tall black-haired inhumanly beautiful woman arrives at the GCP offices inquiring into how she can request such a hearing.


She'd talk to James, that's now part of her job.


Can she get an appointment with James, please?


James can see her now.


"Hi! I hear that you're the person I talk to to request a hearing about a case with open circles but no arrest yet?"


"Yes, may I have your name?"


"Erdellë Larya. E-r-d-e-l-l-e L-a-r-y-a."


She writes that down. "Regarding?"




Eyebrow raise. "All right. This hearing will not constitute a binding charge for the GCP -" She reads off more spiel like that. "What would you like to say?"


"I'm concerned the court doesn't have access to a great deal of materially relevant information. I'm curious why the GCP regards itself as having jurisdiction and how we may expect issues of jurisdiction to be resolved in future. I want to register a victim impact statement and a victim sentencing statement."


"...are you an Elf?"


"...yes. Sorry, I didn't think - to us there are many immediately obvious differences -"


"Uh. We didn't know there were Elves in this universe, how did you get here?"


"One of the Amentans found me while seeking clarification on events - she was concerned for the safety of her own people - and having clarified them I became aware that you were planning to try to hold an arrest and a trial while having virtually no information. So I picked up an Earth language and read about your organization and learned that this process existed and came here to avail myself of it."


"And the Amentan was able to find you how?"


"The same way they found you, they have a means of interdimensional transit."


"...maybe I misunderstood how it works. Uh... so you're one of the people construed as a victim by our arrest warrant?"


"My mother, my sister, all four grandparents, and five cousins were killed in the destruction of Valinor."


"I'm so sorry. Uh, regarding jurisdiction, the GCP is engaged to protect our subscribers but certain crimes even outside their borders threaten them. If we'd been in touch with your world we would have invited you to subscribe or maybe found a similar organization but in the absence we went ahead."

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