sad Cam in Milliways, with company
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Honestly he just asked Kantil. Here's his email address.


...the representative forwards Kantil the conversation.


I did advise him to just let the market handle it. Okay. So the wage for employees on the island (have you named it?) is set as 'all the profit from running their unit after accounting not just for actual expenses but also for the gradual loss in value of the buildings and equipment.' Basically what they'd make if they owned it. In addition to that, they get shares, so after eight years they do own it. He set rent at a value that'll make it profitable to keep the apartments well-maintained and attract new tenants. 

In lots of places, tenants whose homeowners don't make needed repairs can document the problem and then deduct from their next rent payment the cost of fixing it themselves. He's letting you do that. (The landlord can appeal if she thinks she's maintaining the building adequately, and then a court takes a look at it.) If lots of you do that, then it stops being profitable to be responsible for apartment maintenance. 

Does that answer the question?

Are we supposed to name it? We thought maybe he was going to.

What does documenting the problem consist of?

In Anitam we only have that system for green and yellow housing but the procedure there is that you send an email requesting a solution, send an email at least three days later making a written record that there hasn't been a solution yet, send another email notifying the landlord that you're fixing it yourself, and send an email with the invoice from the person you hired. The three-day waiting period is waived for habitability problems - dangerous mold, unit too cold or too hot to be livable, no running water, elevators out on units more than twelve stories up, fire alarms or fire escapes not up to code. Those you can fix yourself right away at landlord's expense.

Should we go to you instead of Telkam with questions like this in the future?

Possibly. I'm not gonna override him if I think he's being silly, though.


The ex-reds find ways to occupy themselves and mysteriously do not alert Telkam to any crimes.


Telkam has no particular expectations about the crime rate with a population this small. He writes the Orvaran reds living in Isel's guest house to let them know they can come live in an island country if they want. Also he should get some people who aren't ex-red before it gets known as the ex-red country, anyone else want to immigrate.


The Orvaran reds don't speak Rivikni and haven't been cleaned.

A lack of population controls and basic income will sure attract some people.


Oh good. 


The new people mostly don't socialize with the ex-reds at all.


They don't even speak the same language, so this is not surprising. 




He rotates through demons and supplies the grocery stores and the shipyards and builds new buildings where requested and lets people do their own thing.


The people mostly figure out what that is and do it with some hiccups. Non-ex-reds have more propensity to take problems to him.


He comes up with guidelines for the courts - no executions except for murder, no sterilization except for violent crimes that involved intent, basic income can get redirected to pay restitution but your kids' basic income can't, same rules for everybody. 


So if you're strapped for cash while paying restitution you need to have a kid?


Lots of crimes not punishable by sterilization should probably still be punishable with no-kids-for-a-couple-years but he'll leave that to be settled case-by-case. 


How is he going to deal with unauthorized kids?


Adopt them out like everyone else who isn't Tapa. He might find some demons who want one.


Visitation allowed?


Yeah, sure, since the idea here is 'criminals don't have incentive to have kids for the money' and not 'make people miserable'.


The ex-reds have started calling the island Anrik.


Works for him.

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