They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
Their prerogative. Juin and Tiya are certainly doing it. She assigns extra credit for helping anyone who's lagging behind, which is a bit caste skewed, though not as much as a course in a foreign language or chemistry or something would be.
Their Adamant bodyguards are not negotiable, but she doesn't have to tell any of the other kids or their parents or anything.
"A few kids are going to come back when there are more choices of teachers. Some of them alienated their elementals temporarily or permanently, who handled this with various amounts of grace - I helped but only a little. Rest of them are coping and the red students are keeping up."
"More the first. Sent them an email that their kids were withdrawing because reds, background reading on reds, welcome at the school to help other kids if they prefer, can probably find younger mage kids if they want one, sorry for inconvenience."
"Half of them would be nicer people now if they'd just been straight up raised by their elementals instead of getting supplemental income and occasional babysitting. And most of those elementals can't reliably distinguish fiction from non- if they turn on the TV."
"I didn't ask them to go. Some of them did anyway and I'm no longer actively replacing them, like I did the one who left when their kid was two seasons old because they got a cat."