They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
Maybe. If that seems likeliest to you you can withdraw Salali and reenroll her when some of the current students are able to teach; there will be more selection available then.
A withdrawal form is attached if that is how you and Errie would like to express your protest.
You're not the first to suggest this. You can withdraw Tobarak and reenroll him when some of the current students are able to teach; there will be more selection available then.
There's only one of me. There are two sessions a day to allow review for slower students (since I can't track them in the way conventional for Amentan school systems) and I'm using my evenings to produce air artifacts and work on other developments for terraforming so I'm reluctant to add a third, especially if specific students would be expressly and individually forbidden from attending through no fault of their own.
She continues with a smaller class size.
A few of the withdrawn kids' elemental friends fly away.
I don't control the elementals, nor am I at liberty to publish their emails without their permission. I did not ask them to leave but provided my account of why those students were withdrawn when asked.
My daughter is cripplingly shy and the only person she spoke to outside the family was her Shine. After she got home from class for the first two days she stayed up until well past midnight showering and crying and gagging, so I chose to withdraw her. She hasn't spoken to anyone since he left and she still spends all her time showering. I hope you're proud of yourself.
She was not asked to touch any reds, any things that reds had touched, or any other vectors of uncleanliness. I am not at liberty to disclose Shine's personal trauma without his permission.
You could have suggested he talk with her about why she stopped going to school and how she felt about it, instead of feeding him some bullshit where you're heroically standing up for the rights of reds by forcing scared isolated two-year-olds into classrooms with them. I assure you that lots of kids who desperately wanted to quit will keep going to class now, no matter how miserable they are, because the thought of losing their closest friend is even worse. Congratulations.
Parent writes Shine letting him know that whatever Maurabel said their daughter didn't ask to be withdrawn from the class and has no anti-red prejudice, she just couldn't stop gagging and it was very alarming. And they thought it might get better if she withdraw and went back home but instead she hasn't spoken a word since Shine left and is still showering for eight hours at a time so they'll reenroll her if under those circumstances he'd choose to come back, it can hardly be /worse/.
Thank you.
Students whose parents haven't withdrawn them continue to optimistically skip the morning section if the reds are there but then attend with minor grumbling if they're still there in the afternoons. Some of them have apparently been told that they lose this nice house and the opportunity for mommy and daddy not to work all day if they get in trouble at school, so they should do whatever they're told if they like having three meals a day and their parents home in the evenings. An enterprising green manages to convince the other greens that greens attend all day because they love learning, and an enterprising yellow similarly to convince the yellows that yellows take advantage of extra practice time so that they can get unusually careful and precise. The blue girl asks her elementals which session they'd like to attend.
Her elementals don't really care.
Maurabel does feel bad about the ones who are under financial pressure but if the reds look an iota less protected they will likely be outright murdered.
Some of the elementals come back, including that Shine.
"Not especially. I'm already spread pretty thin between artifact development and teaching and I don't have any special advantages at nonmagically educating them. Ice, does their visitation visa cover -"
"- yeah, I think residence-to-study allows them to go to Anitami schools."
Good for them.
Tiya still goes to both sessions every day. She usually looks like she hasn't slept much. She always keeps up by the end of the second session.