They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
Okay! Do they all know all the elements? She has made up a little song in case they don't.
No, not those, they don't have to memorize those, although if there are hybrids in the room they should introduce themselves just so everybody knows their names. The Shadow/Adamant is Iron, she knows that purple girl's Air/Stone is Dust...
There is also a Glass/Ice (Crystal) and a Stone/Wood (Jet) and a Glass/Shine (Rainbow) and a Water/Fire (Steam) and an Earth/Water (Clay) and an Air/Ice (Snow) and an Air/Lightning (Storm).
First they are going to make nametags. Okay, now they can start. She pulls up her chart of what all the elements do. It's not filled in; would students like to provide examples of things they or their friends have done?
Because she knows Iron. They could get to know Iron too if they like. She'll refresh her halo beforehand if they prefer.
Great! Chart chart chart. She adds the handful of things they omitted. Does everybody in the room know at least one element they definitely have at least some of?
Instead that kid should pick one - everybody with several should pick one - they're going to divide into groups. (There are conveniently sections near but not threateningly adjacent to each of Tiya and Juin.)
Turns out everybody present has at least one of Water, Fire, Glass, Air, or Lightning! So they'll do those. (Tiya has Water and Juin has Glass. Juin also has Air but will be using the material-halo option for now.) They are going to learn to use those elemental senses. Maurabel borrows an elemental of each type as TAs and walks everybody through how to connect to the elemental's magic and watch while they use their special sense. Then they will be able to try on their own. (The Water and the Glass will have halos up while they touch the reds, and shed them after.)