They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
"Here they do. Not just Anitam every country. Otherwise people go hungry and die, or they - go to the next country and make space for themselves -"
"No other country will say 'yes, we take you', they all have as many people as they can feed too. If one country is telling their people more children, they mean eventually for people to die to have space for the children."
"But that is not good so everyone tells people how many children and then there is no telling by making people die."
"No, I mean... I don't have any brothers or sisters because my parents got divorced -" She puts her hands together, takes them apart. "If they hadn't, I would have brothers and sisters."
"- oh, you don't have pens or cars or a way for no children when not allowed or not wanted -"
"We don't have that! Someone should invent it. It's probably possible with magic now that there's lots."
"We have it, we will teach you. Even without learning any magic. It is very needed - maybe not for you since you can find new worlds, but still, some people don't want -"
"Most Amentans still want more than two. Five, usually. Some none, some just one or two, but most want more."
"It would be good for humans if they only want two. No need for telling and people dying."
"When people who run countries tell the people in them what to do this is called making laws, and if people try to do different things the laws are enforced."
"Elementals don't, by themselves, they just kind of fly around. Humans have, uh, don't kill each other, don't... steal things, don't spy on people..."
"Elementals don't have any laws?" he asks Penumbra interestedly. "Do you not have things to steal, or hurt?"
"I think Amentans without a country would make a country. Maybe if no one dies you don't have need."