They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
"Great, okay, so then if we have mages at all, before they grow up and become powerful we have everyone amend the anti-slavery treaty to include enforcement of rules against enslaving elementals. Everyone'll be in favor of that, no one wants magic destabilizing the political landscape.
- if there are red mages we have a problem."
"I actually think they'd mostly use it for - internal things. Making their lives less bad. Not things that'll get their country riled up. But it'll be riled up anyway, just at the fact they have the option - people might kill them before they're old enough to hide it -"
"I can see how that will help with most of the problems you still have in spite of being unfathomably rich but I'm not actually sure it helps very much with that one except in the sense that cutting off a gangrenous limb and cauterizing the wound can. You know, you might have a problem earlier, if elementals keep popping. They will all know all your languages and they are immortal and powerful and can fly and they have not been raised to hate reds."
"If they ask the reds what they want the reds will probably not propose things that'll start a massacre."
"They're developmentally adults in the sense that all their future growth is experiential and not in fundamental capacity but they are brand new. They might not think to ask."
"If they decide to intervene in things without asking whether this is what anyone involved wants then there'll be problems that have nothing to do with reds. They could - stage prison breaks or rescue murderers from execution or show up invisibly in secure facilities and make it unclear whether they're spying on behalf of a distrusted neighbor -"
"They're more likely to stay out of populated areas if they can, that's what elementals like is wilderness, but you don't have all that much of it."
"We don't. Maybe they'll frequently be interested in helping with colony projects just for the wilderness."
"Yeah. Don't know if anyone spoke to that one, though, I am not an elemental and don't speak a word of Lasane."
"...they're elementals. They will speak every language spoken in the world at the time they appeared. I'm not sure if they will know mine, because there's just me and a few of you and some of the stolen elementals who speak it here and I don't know how many speakers they need, but they're going to all know Anitami."
"Yes, I know, but the people who that one appeared near spoke Lasane and wrote excited blog posts in Lasane of which I have only a horrendous machine translation."