They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
"And we've got people who speak Biyani but they won't go hang out with red kids. I can probably send some reds who want to take care of kids and who can make do with internet translation."
Can she be recommended some Anitami reds who want to do that.
He's got a pretty generous project expense budget but it probably won't extend to a red rescue that Anitam cannot afford to formally have anything to do with; people'd be mad at them if they let Biyan drown in garbage.
On the one hand the longer they wait the better the replacements are trained. On the other hand, torturing kids.
Shadows can go ahead.
Isel thinks Maurabel should write Biyan because it will be a diplomatic mess if it looks like Anitam had anything to do with this.
So she does! Some of her elemental friends went to investigate allegations of tortured children and were very alarmed by what they found and now the children are safe. They should probably send the rest of the reds after them so the elementals don't suspect them of doing horrible things to more reds.
The observing scary elementals are parked in red neighborhoods.
Pictures are online of the tortured children! One of the photographers cleverly worked in black and white so they just look like they could be anyone's tortured children.
Yes, seriously. She's an alien. Thank you, benefactors! She appreciates it! (Should she publish a ranking of how much she likes various people?)
"The conventional way is to have some diplomatic privileges for, say, the three places you like most, and some other for only the place you like most, and some other for the top six, but all informally so, such that everyone knows where they stand without saying it and inviting offense. You could invite the Cene and Voa and Anitam ambassadors to a dinner, says 'we're on good terms', and then when someone else impresses you they get invited next dinner..."
"It is more conventional than posting scores on the internet, though you do have a lot of latitude."