They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
"If you mention you're upset at the treatment of reds it might deter some places from various horribleness. Also might inspire stupidity but I think it comes out ahead on balance. I'll ask the reds if there are specific policy changes they'd like you to mention you approve of."
"Too much too fast gets you backlash, too little too slow and they don't trust you enough to give you accurate information, it's a bit of a balancing act."
"Most people want them dead. Almost anybody, given the chance to press a button and replace them all with robots, would. They - it makes no sense to them that anyone would care for its own sake. So if someone shows up acting like they care, it's likelier to be a - test, or a self-aggrandizing performance of altruism - until you actually do things for them, they just won't believe you that you care at all."
"Doesn't matter. - I guess it might help a little on the margin. But - you're an alien, you met us, smart and kind with impressive things to give you, why would you decide we were all wrong -"
"Because you are so rich and then Penumbra found a red neighborhood and had not been told reds existed and they were not so rich, and they're your -" Note consultation. "- species, and I'm not."
"You don't actually need to be scared, you're clean, it's easier to care about clean aliens than unclean neighbors."
"You didn't check," she points out. "For all you knew school mages have unclean chores."
"Not - exactly? There are things that aren't at all up for debate and then there are things which you wouldn't want to risk guessing wrong on lest there's a pollution hysteria and then there are things where whatever the ruling people'll be fine with it and you may as well rule the overwhelmingly convenient way, and 'alien whose grandparents might have done red work' is the last thing."