They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
"Countries are complicated. Are you -" he gestures at one of the other people in the car and says an Anitami word.
"Countries have people who tell people what to do. In Anitam that's -" unfamiliar word again.
" - I should let our people-who-tell-what-to-do talk with you about ways we can give pens and cars and get magic and worlds. I don't know the things they would say and they will be not-nice if I say a thing that makes it not work out."
"That is why I should not say things about it, yes. We can talk about other things."
Giggle. "Okay. There are twelve kinds! Um, zero, one two, three -" She counts on her fingers, goes as far as twelve. "- twelve kinds. Glass, lightning, water, shine, wood, adamant, earth, fire, stone, air, ice, shadow. Elementals can do one or two kinds, very well. Penumbra is two kinds - shadow and shine -" Penumbra dims and brightens her halo when Maurabel says that. "- and humans can do more kinds, always weaker than elementals but different amounts of weaker per element."
He taps his glass eagerly and listens. "Stronger means stronger effects or more effects or faster or..."
"Not faster to perform the magic, but they don't have to learn how to do most things to do them, so they can do more things that way, and stronger effects by a lot, which means they can do some things humans can't do at all."
"We don't know all of them yet. There didn't use to be a lot of mages and now there are huge numbers and we're finding out."
"Uh -" Sigh. "There's a thing people who are going to have babies can eat and that makes it more likely, we learned that."