They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
"All of those people are Anitami -" he takes the paper, draws a squiggly map. "Lakla." He points at the ground. "Anitam." Place on map. "Tapa - all of those people are not Anitami." Another place on the map.
"Oh - uh - Anitam's a country and Lakla's a city and Tapa's another country? What are all of you though - everyone -"
"Nice to meet you!" There are more people approaching. These ones have blue hair. They exchange some words with the green-haired ones. "They want you to the cars."
"Cars," she repeats. She turns to Penumbra. "Is that okay with you -"
Penumbra nods.
Maurabel gets up and Penumbra follows her to the cars.
People smile at them. People get into the cars with them. The interiors are warm and well-lit with unusual fabrics. He sits down across from them and takes detailed notes on a glowy glass thing. "Okay with you means yes get in the cars, not okay means no?"
"Yeah, she might have wanted to fly." She hooks her thumbs together and flaps her hands rather than grabbing Penumbra's wing.
"Nobody? At all? Even a little -" She wiggles her fingers and light dances across them like trick marbles.
"Not write, I was trying to say - when a person knows and they saying it so more people know -"
"Oh, can I teach it, could you learn it - uh, you have to learn things to be good at it, but you have to be born able to do it."
"How do you tell. Uh, you can do simple magic things and do them - even very young -" She gestures. "Like you figure out how to walk and talk, you figure out simple stuff."