They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
And then they can meander onto this university campus and through its art museum! People crowd around taking pictures. News helicopters fly overhead getting video.
Wow, the art here is cooler than most art they have at home, they haven't even invented perspective yet!
Deliriously excited art students get materials brought in and explain how perspective works and various other inventions of post-Bronze-Age painting.
They're glad she enjoys it! They ask all kinds of questions about her world, which Afen translates: what work does she do there, why did she decide to travel worlds, why did she come here in particular, what is the thing she likes most about here, does she miss anything about home, how long is she staying...
She's a student in a mage school and does simple magic to earn her keep, mostly stuff with glass because she's good at glass. The school's principal purpose is discovering new magic, and she discovered that they could travel that way, so they did. They wanted to go somewhere inhabited and weren't sure what else to specify. She is really impressed with running water and television. She will want to go home eventually but mostly just because her parents live there, not because it was nice or anything. She doesn't have a specific itinerary.
Is she the first interworld traveller? Wow. Is she going to find lots of planets for her country?
They don't have the same need to expand that Amentans seem to. Like, there are hungry people, but she tentatively suspects this is because they are bad at farming.
Oh, yeah, if they still have lots of space on their planet and anticipate they'll get to others eventually then they're all set.
The artists chatter about art and aliens and aliens in springtime and Afen translates and eventually suggests they go get dinner somewhere.
Does her world have restaurants? Restaurants are places where you go and look at a big list of food and pick something and they make it for you.
They can go to a restaurant, then! There's one on the fourth story of the skyscraper across the street, tables lined up for a view of the university campus. Afen tries to translate everything on the menu, with limited success.