They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
"If you want you might have enough Anitami now to go meet people, you could ask them."
"I could actually stand a walk outside, it's been a while cooped up. Penumbra?"
"I'd like to go flying," says Penumbra.
"The hotel room has a balcony if you want to take off from there and meet us down below?"
"- I mean I don't want to walk I just want to fly around," says Penumbra.
"She can't carry me, either, if that's what you meant."
"Oh, okay. Then we can go for a walk and meet you back here later. might be a good idea to not make it clear which hotel room you're leaving from, actually, just in case someone wanted to bother you, would you mind going down in the elevator with us and then going flying?"
"People from here won't bother you but I bet all our neighbors have sent in diplomatic teams which are waiting to pounce. And you can talk to them as soon as you'd like, of course, but - no pouncing should be involved."
They take the elevator down.
They accompany! Outside there are lots of people of all colors and in all kinds of outfits and of many different skin tones, bustling down the street. Some of them stop to stare and take pictures.
"I don't know what's in walking distance of here. Schools? Gardens? Do you have temples, at home those are often very pretty."
"No, like, there's humans, and elementals, and then temple things, which are called gods. Except they aren't actually... around."
"I will look up the prettiest buildings in this area," he says, and types that into the pocket everything, and then points them ahead to a public park with an accompanying greenhouse.