They appear in midair, visible out of a few thirtieth-floor apartments.
One starts to fall. The other catches her by the arm, flings out - wing-shapes of light - and slows her, spiraling down until they're at street level.
He pulls up a picture on the television to show how a moon goes around the world like so and the way they reflect light results from this like so.
"Your technology matches ours maybe five hundred of our years ago. But magic will probably change it - and people who live forever will certainly change it -"
"If you like there are lots of scientists who want to go to your world and learn about the people and learn the languages and get samples and pictures, and they could teach everything we know. Or at least every peacetime thing we know."
"My world is not very nice in some ways and I am concerned people would... learn the wrong things."
" - you could pick ones who are all right not coming home, if you can give them safe lives there."
"We could teach your world things to make it nicer without anyone here learning whatever you don't want us to learn."
More books! This one is about a little purple girl who gets lost in a big shopping mall and responsibly finds the police so they can get her home. This one is about a little girl from the equator who is smaller than all the girls in her cohort because of being born out of season; they tease her until they learn not to tease. This one is about electricity.
Electricity is great!!!
This book is about how planets form. This book is about airplanes.
They can make them right now and get them printed down the street. "How All The World Ended Slavery" and "Laws of War" and "Workers' Rights!" and "Rule of Law" and "Birthright Citizenship".
They get delivered with dinner.