He's a sweet kid and she should maybe ask if he's okay. But he looks fine.
"Good luck," she says, and disappears in a puff of smoke.
"We, uh, very badly mishandled the last evil Arda, and want to do better. We're eager to hear how you think we should do that."
"I assume if you were flexible on the not letting him have stuff thing you would probably not describe it to third parties as settled policy."
"By default we don't give people the power to destroy planets. There is very thorough vetting."
"Their magic system destroys planets," Larya says.
"Is the evil Maitimo a mage?"
"No. Still though. I assume you will go on calling him an evil Maitimo internally whatever I say but do you have to do it in conversation with me?"
"I apologize. It would be - nice to have a solution that didn't involve handing a person with a past of questionable judgment extraordinary power, but if your assessment is that that's the most constructive thing to do we won't dismiss that out of hand - you seem to have had the cleanest war, that definitely counts for a lot -"
"To be fair I think that has absolutely nothing to do with my Maitimo's personal character and is mostly about the fact that I can paint things and chant a bit and then they cease to exist."
" - that sounds like a great magic system. Shame about the drawbacks - though we can find you empty planets easily."
"That will be great, then we'll only have to worry about badly constructed spells eating our toes."
"Do you have recommendations for contact with the new Arda?"
"...You could just not? Uh, you seem to like me fine even though you haven't interrogated my criminal record even slightly, you could go through me."
"We like to get them making immortality necklaces, there are never enough flat Elves for that. Aside from that - yes, we could just not. We did that with the other, uh, challenging Arda and it did not go well but with a point of contact it might be less of a concern."
"Immortality necklaces sound great, I shall take home the recipe. Didn't go well like, what, they didn't figure out how to kill their Melkor alone and horrible things ensued -"
"Ah. When we arrived we were concerned that Melkor and Sauron might have a deadman's switch, as they often do, and confronted them since the point of a deadman's switch is that people who look about to kill you should be told about it. But what they had instead was an interdimensional escape plan, and they fled somewhere too dangerous for us to follow. So he was displeased with us. Also other Findekános approved removing that one from the situation, which Midnight complains about as 'kidnapping'. Then we left them alone and Midnight resented every civilian death that our resources could have prevented and was eventually approached by evil aliens who thought he might be a useful ally in destroying us."
"They were an expansionist militaristic subgroup of a race of parasitic slugs that crawl into your head through your ear canal, access your thoughts and memories, and control you completely."