There is a space at the bottom of the world, where Earth and Ice and Shadow meet. It is cold, but not cold enough to kill; dark, but not too dark to see. A small round room, made of chilly black marble, lit by a dim and sourceless glow, with a spiral stair climbing the curve of the wall and a shallow circular recession in the exact center of the floor. The recession is maybe six feet wide by six inches deep, lined with something resembling pale frosted glass, and there is nothing in it.
Her name is Laisanni, and she gets slightly less transparent every time he glances at her.
She sits up, blinking.
...her chain is... awkwardly placed. One could call it a 'belt', if one were trying to be circumspect.
"So this is new," she says, gazing up at the swoopful of assorted humans and spirits. "Hi."
"Huh, Nice to meet you, I guess."
She drifts up onto the left wing of the swoop and settles next to Camalirea.
"It's all very coincidental. For me. I'm sure the good job with the world was not a matter of luck at all."
"Unfortunately I'm pretty sure the next spirit is all the way on the far side of Dusty Hills. Pity we couldn't wake them out of order."
"And that it wouldn't help for me to just zip around waking them all up ahead of your arrival."
"When you go to the end of your chain it hurts. When you keep going past that because you're a cranky dumbass, it hurts a lot, and after a while you can't go any farther."