There is a space at the bottom of the world, where Earth and Ice and Shadow meet. It is cold, but not cold enough to kill; dark, but not too dark to see. A small round room, made of chilly black marble, lit by a dim and sourceless glow, with a spiral stair climbing the curve of the wall and a shallow circular recession in the exact center of the floor. The recession is maybe six feet wide by six inches deep, lined with something resembling pale frosted glass, and there is nothing in it.
"I don't! Most of what I think about when I put a person in the book is, like, personality stuff."
"Did it just seem like you ought to do it that way, did you try it another way and then this wound up working better..."
"...It seemed obvious that the thing a person is is their personality and memories and so on, more than their specific physical form? In sort of the same way that when I put a book in the book I mostly remember the content rather than the cover. The cover is also important but it's not the, the essence of the thing."
"Having seen a lot of creators try to put people in the book and fail to varying degrees, I can confirm that personality is a crucial component."
"I wonder how abstract you can get. Like, can you put the personality of this whole magic system in, you were talking about how extensible it is..."
"I'm not sure I can - think in the right terms for that. ...I might be able to try to put in the previous creator based on the magic system and the things the spirits say about him, but I'm not sure how useful that would be."
The small bit of air vanishes obligingly. Now he has a bookable impression of a small bit of air. There is no detectable sound, but it still draws a curious glance from Camalirea.
"Just experimenting," he tells Camalirea. He books the air. "Can you make a lot of stuff at once?" he asks Riale. "Like, could you inflate a balloon suddenly with that?"
"...good question. Unfortunately, I don't think I have a balloon, so experimenting may have to wait."
"Oh cool!"
Fist-sized rock. It's white and slightly sparkly. Probably booked because it was so neat-looking.
He whittles the rock into a more spherical rock as practice at partials, and tries removing bits of rock on the far side by feel and then by not even that, and then he gets a new rock and tries again.