There is a space at the bottom of the world, where Earth and Ice and Shadow meet. It is cold, but not cold enough to kill; dark, but not too dark to see. A small round room, made of chilly black marble, lit by a dim and sourceless glow, with a spiral stair climbing the curve of the wall and a shallow circular recession in the exact center of the floor. The recession is maybe six feet wide by six inches deep, lined with something resembling pale frosted glass, and there is nothing in it.
"It grants languages - or one language, anyway - and flight and spirit-finding powers and... what else, I wonder? Very versatile for a magic sharp object. My book basically only does the one thing. It's a useful thing and has some useful subcomponents but it's still pretty singular."
"It's not a very coherent sharp object. My original magic system has that going for it even if it has other drawbacks."
"Is it that it isn't coherent, or is it that you haven't found the principle yet?"
"Complementary, maybe. Move faster, see farther, look deeper, because what you have isn't the thing that sits still and collects what it's given and makes new things from it, it's the other thing."
"'Make you useful to the creator' makes it sound like it'll just abandon you the second this turn of the cycle is resolved one way or another, and I really hope that's not the case because it would seem so unfair to loan you superpowers and then snatch them back as soon as you're done playing a part."
"You come across as the sort of person who deserves better than that from your superpowers!"
"Maybe once we save my world we can do something about yours. It really does seem like there should be a way to fix 'things being more destroyed than you want them to be' with the power of creation..."
"If we're really outrageously lucky maybe after I save the world I can just casually make new ones and you can move everybody into unoccupied worldshells with useful nondestructive magic systems!"
"As soon as I can send someone home to mine I can count - the population, if not the world - saved."
Quietly flying toward Highpoint.
"Seems maybe lunchtimeish," he comments after a minute. "Thoughts?"