a dreamshaper lands on the terrible planet that needs more space
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He guides her to the portal, opening up with a brief display of fire.

The other side of the portal shows an open space tiled with stone mosaics with something like a stone gazebo in the middle. Lamp posts at regular intervals provide light. He calls her to walk through.


She steps into plastic shoe covers and then follows, hands clasped behind her.


He walks inside and closes the portal. "I need to sleep to actually use my power," he points, "your residence is going to materialize that way, please try to... be comfortable there."




"Yes sir."


"You can sit and touch things," Felix says as an afterthought, "I am sorry."

He takes flight. He shaped his pocket dimension such that the sky above this section is an "arc" that one needs to fly through to reach the other parts of the dimensions.

He doesn't return to the portal to the hotel, instead he goes to a hidden vault that he created to house the dreamshard. It's a temporary measure, but should suffice for now.

They probably are going to take exception if he returns without decontamination so Felix naps near the vault.

If the red dreamshaper is paying any attention she is going to see... it looks almost like bits of the sky and horizon are taking a step back, except not quite that, and they are leaving behind gray shapes that progressively gain more color and solidity. Soon the thing reveals itself as a really nice house.

Simultaneously, Felix adds portals inside the vault. Multiple portals, as many as he can pack inside the compact space. This might sound counterintuitive, but portals can't overlap and there more portals an area has, the harder it is to create portals there. And these portals Keys are going to be impossible, requiring the fire of phoenixes and the like.

Finally, Felix creates a decontamination facility and creates a drone with a message: Found the dreamshaper. Going to contact you shortly.


Red stands quite still and shivers and blinks at everything.


The house stands there being house-like.

Felix wakes up, retrieves a tablet and activates the drone's communication function.

"Hello? Anyone there?"


"Hello, Felix. What's going on?"



"Found the dreamshaper in the red district."




What can dreamshapers do - what dangers does it present -"


"I didn't stay long enough to test the full capabilities... dreamshapers have some ability to get to places by default, but that can be countered easily enough. And the red was compliant," too compliant even, "the dimension was a muddy space filled with birds struggling to fly. Nothing obviously dangerous about it."


"I see. Do you have a name and location? We can stop by and try to learn more about the situation and what risks it might pose and how they can best be managed."


"I actually didn't get her name. I created a bit of pocket dimension to house her - a separated bit. She can't reach the rest from it. I also created a place for me to decontaminate before coming talk to you."


"We appreciate that! Are there any risks from - within a separated bit of pocket dimension?"


"Way less risk than having them in the same city as you, I assume. Her section is connected only through a bit of air so I could fly out of it."


"Do you mind coming back and explaining more about the risks to us?"


Slow nod.

"I actually don't know if decontamination is complicated."


"It takes about five hours, and you have to use a specific set of soaps in a specific order."


"Five hours? Uh, I don't suppose I could replace that with setting myself on fire at temperatures high enough to melt steel or something?"


"That sounds unpleasant, is it not unpleasant?"


"No. Not inside my pocket dimension. There is an ambient magical effect that makes fire... friendly and if you can control it directly like myself it can be used to do things like 'burn away this magical toxin from my skin' without causing any harm. ...The sensation is actually pleasant."


"Well. I think that would be sufficient."


"Alright. I will be there in a sec then, unless there is anything else to discuss?"


"We have lots of questions but if you'll be here in a minute we can ask them then."


Nod. In that case Felix will set himself on fire. He doesn't shut off the video feed. It soon gets pretty hard to tell there is a young man under there. There is no sign of struggling or pain. And after a minute or so.

"Do you think this should be enough?"

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