Cor and an evil Maitimo
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Elves are maybe bothered about that.


Okay! I'll find you somewhere to wait until he breaks.




Maitimo frowns consideringly at the letter he's reviewing and then arranges a place for her to wait. There is an Elf there. Topless. Painting a ridiculously neat portrait and singing.


Um, hi.


He puts the brush down.

Hi! Welcome to Beleriand! All these alien visitors, it's so exciting! Has an empty planet been found so something can be done for your world?


We're not totally positive it's empty everywhere but it looks like it probably is.


And then are you going to find a separate one to evacuate to, or what's the plan there?


Yeah, there are scouts looking for those now!


You're all so amazingly brave. I can't imagine how awful the whole mess must have been -


She smiles weakly. Yeah it was lousy.


I don't know that we could fit everybody but if people wanted to come live here while you're looking for something better, I'm sure we'll take as many as we can. - I'm Elon.


Ranary. Pleased to meet you. How many do you think that would be, we've got refugees coming out our ears -


Uh, there's a war on here but it might be over really soon in which case millions.


That's less useful than if you could take them now, but maybe it'll help.


We could take them now, if it's desperate, but they wouldn't be entirely free of danger. Who's coordinating that, we could compare desperateness of various situations...


Uh, I guess I'd go to what's left of the settlement association.


I'll make a note of it. He does, with a flourish. Can I get you anything while you're waiting?


I made sure I was fed and everything before I arrived. I guess a bath and clothes would be good. She's in underthings but is pretty much at peace with that.


Do you mind the public baths? They're right across the way but I can have someone bring us one here if that'd be too strange.


It'd be a little weird but I can cope. 'Nother planet.


Yeah. When we first met your species we were so terribly confused. Baths are this way.


Confused about what? She follows him.


All kinds of things! We'd never met a species that got old and died before, we - sort of didn't believe the first humans who told us it happened? And then it did, to humans who we knew and loved, and we were so bewildered - and they were a bit impatient, of course, since we should have known in the first place.


Elf bathhouse is all frosted glass and excessive water features. There are some Elves, bathing nude but with hair braided and singing.


Oh wow, she thinks of the singing. Also wow they're pretty whoops private thoughts. Yeah, we do that. When me and Cor and our batch started magic lessons we were all supposed to think of things we wanted to destroy, sort of to get into the spirit of being - er, constructive - he said 'death'.

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