Cor and an evil Maitimo
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"Probably not. Does it do a fixed target temperature or just 'warmer', will you cook us if you sing it over and over?"


"It's not strong enough, the heat would dissipate, but if we were in a sealed space maybe."




"We use song for war, though not that one specifically."


"What kinds of war things do songs do?"


"Make you stronger and less fatigued and luckier, better reflexes - or does the opposite for your enemy -"


"And they don't just do the same thing? Or they do?"


"There's a freeform way of competing for control of a song. It'd be easier to show than to explain. And Elves sing better than orcs."


"I'd believe it!"


"Orcs are - designed to be the opposite of us to a degree that is sometimes a strategic disadvantage."


"Is it an advantage in any way?"


They breed faster, and don't have control of it - that's an advantage for the Enemy, he can get thousands of them in a single Elven generation. They don't have osanwë, which is a disadvantage for coordination but means they can't spread accurate information easily or have interactions with each other outside the Enemy's control, I presume he did it on purpose for that or some related reason. The pain might make them more resilient when injured in battle, but I think that one is mostly just for its own sake. 




"We don't go to war lightly."


"What's the long term plan assuming all goes well - I buy a few millennia and kill a god and we find more magic which conveniently stops disappearance points from growing -"


"I don't know how widely I want it distributed here, it seems rather catastrophic in the wrong hands, but we eradicate diseases and do good things for crop yields and offer humans sterilization and then we send delegates searching for more worlds and more magic systems and hopefully find some that complement each other well and handle their impending dooms if any and get a better picture of how many worlds there are and within what ranges they vary. Do something about the Valar, eventually."


"Do something?"


Depends substantially on what tools we have - I don't know whether to reverse all their edits or not, in cases where people didn't agree to editing but wouldn't agree now to have it reversed - depends whether we can make everybody safe from them without killing them, depends whether we have resurrection good enough that killing people becomes more - putting them aside until we're even more powerful -


"I'd want to be very careful I didn't lose track of who was being put aside."


He touches his necklace. I remember every subject of mine who has died in this war. I could remember another million, though it looks like perhaps I won't need to.



Was there going to be food?


Food is brought!


Mmm food.


Elves are glad he likes it.


And then he goes back to coming up with how to draw oathlessness in blood and ash.

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