Jensal has a lot of work to do. Her house is going to collapse; nobody had better be inside when it does. She is briskly bundling adult miracles into groups who have at least one decent job between them, she is writing to agencies that handle adoption for the ultimate disposition of kids who don't get picked up because she's reasonably sure that they will not all get picked up, and when parents do drop by to collect their little ones she is signing papers for every set of them with slightly gritted teeth. Lots to do. Her hand is cramping from paperwork and she doesn't care.
Huh. Mial's never said that before.
Was that even in regular Draconic? Sort of hard to tell. The vocabularies are near-identical.
Aurin goes to his mom's office. He waits until her client leaves. He nips in.
"Mother, Mial is going to do something incredibly agitating and I thought I'd better warn you before you find out some other way," he says.
"Oh? What is it now?"
"Uh, he's gotten the miracle-workers to make up a new language which is basically like Draconic but without opinions on shrens. There's a couple words from it that he likes a whole lot. One's siahr, he got a translation of e'sisaak to stick."
"...I see."
"The other one's worse. I, uh, accidentally hit my head on a wall when he said it."
"...Well, I'm sitting down, Aurin."
Aurin takes a deep breath. He can say it, right? Three syllables. He has said all these syllables before. ...Not in a row, but.
"He's planning to go around wearing a shirt that says shrennaki."
Alys doesn't fall over. She stands up, hands slamming down on her desk, eyes wide. "What?"
"Oh, don't make me say it again -"
"No," she says, fire in her voice, "of course not."
"Sorry - it's not like I could possibly stop him, I said it was a bad idea but he wants to be obnoxious -"
Alys sits back down and cradles her face in her hands.
"Aurin," she says, "I love your cousin, of course, but sometimes he makes himself very challenging to like."
Aurin shifts uncomfortably.
"Thank you for warning me, dear."
"You're welcome."
Aurin then finds himself folding decorative napkins for three angles and going home with her at the end of her workday.
Was that even in regular Draconic? Sort of hard to tell. The vocabularies are near-identical.
Aurin goes to his mom's office. He waits until her client leaves. He nips in.
"Mother, Mial is going to do something incredibly agitating and I thought I'd better warn you before you find out some other way," he says.
"Oh? What is it now?"
"Uh, he's gotten the miracle-workers to make up a new language which is basically like Draconic but without opinions on shrens. There's a couple words from it that he likes a whole lot. One's siahr, he got a translation of e'sisaak to stick."
"...I see."
"The other one's worse. I, uh, accidentally hit my head on a wall when he said it."
"...Well, I'm sitting down, Aurin."
Aurin takes a deep breath. He can say it, right? Three syllables. He has said all these syllables before. ...Not in a row, but.
"He's planning to go around wearing a shirt that says shrennaki."
Alys doesn't fall over. She stands up, hands slamming down on her desk, eyes wide. "What?"
"Oh, don't make me say it again -"
"No," she says, fire in her voice, "of course not."
"Sorry - it's not like I could possibly stop him, I said it was a bad idea but he wants to be obnoxious -"
Alys sits back down and cradles her face in her hands.
"Aurin," she says, "I love your cousin, of course, but sometimes he makes himself very challenging to like."
Aurin shifts uncomfortably.
"Thank you for warning me, dear."
"You're welcome."
Aurin then finds himself folding decorative napkins for three angles and going home with her at the end of her workday.
"Hi, Dad. So the miracle workers made me a new language that doesn't hate me! It calls itself Sirasiahr."
"And what," inquires Avar, "is the punchline?" There has to be a punchline, with Mial smirking at him like that.
"I made sure he put his carrot juice down first! I would've made sure he was sitting down if I'd expected him to literally fall over."
"...Not... fall over? I don't know. I probably should've taken a degree to think about it first."