Jensal has a lot of work to do. Her house is going to collapse; nobody had better be inside when it does. She is briskly bundling adult miracles into groups who have at least one decent job between them, she is writing to agencies that handle adoption for the ultimate disposition of kids who don't get picked up because she's reasonably sure that they will not all get picked up, and when parents do drop by to collect their little ones she is signing papers for every set of them with slightly gritted teeth. Lots to do. Her hand is cramping from paperwork and she doesn't care.
"Yeah, definitely," Mial agrees. He makes this a list item: Names can gain syllables even if that person has previously given that syllable to someone else.
"Yes! My mother has already given away all her halfway good ones. It's a pointless arbitrary limitation and I like getting rid of those."
"Okay, yes, but like, you can explain that it's important and meaningful," he says. "Whereas mere words will not suffice to fix the problems of someone who happens to have a short name and a lot of close dragonish friends."
"I think this runs the risk of - running away with us," says the jade guy. "It is possible to get a syllable from the same person twice, even if this usually only comes up if you marry a longtime friend - we don't actually know if it's possible to do it more times because they're scarce resources and those people either save their syllables or only have two different ones to begin with. If you make it so these project-type people can have fifteen-syllable personal names and everybody can pile on as many syllables as they want I don't think any amount of explaining will prevent inflation."
"Okay, so which is worse, inflation or arbitrary scarcity?" asks Mial. "I think arbitrary scarcity is worse. And I think that since our entire starting population of third-siahrs is going to consist of non-dragonish people, we'd better allow long names or a lot of people are going to have to make hard decisions about which two syllables they are most attached to for no especially good reason."
"Okay, what else... for vicarious vanity reasons I kind of want third-siahrs to be able to choose where their natural colour appears on their assumed forms," he says. "Any principled objections to that one?"
"There's no miraculous reason particularly, I see no reason to make them have natural colour anywhere if they really don't want to, but having natural colour somewhere seems like a pretty reasonable default. For, yeah, recognition reasons."
List item: Location of natural colour in assumed forms can be intentionally varied (rust/patina/tarnish versions available for relevant metals)
"So you, vaguely familiar-looking jade guy—"
"―Naraxalar, sure," he says, grinning. "You said your niece sent you, does she want to be a third-siahr? Might she have opinions, should you go get her so she can express them?"
"She is welcome. Dragons were invited principally because it's easy to make announcements to them and their knowledge and opinions are likely to be relevant, not because I yearn to host a large gathering of dragons."
The list reads, very conveniently in Leraal:
- No esu
- No spontaneous death
- No dragon magic
- No name expiration
- Ten forms for everyone
- Black-group dragon senses for everyone
- Same chance for lights, sorcerers, mages as non-siahr Elcenians
- Everyone Is Unusual, red- and white-group onset at age ninety-five
- Names can gain syllables even if that person has previously given that syllable to someone else
- (Names can gain at most two syllables from the same person)
- Personal names can have arbitrary length
- Location of natural colour in assumed forms can be intentionally varied (rust/patina/tarnish versions available for relevant metals)
"Uniques happen naturally because of variations in levels of dragon magic, what third-siahrs have instead doesn't naturally come in varying levels because I'm inventing it out of thin air, I may yet decide to incorporate uniques but as of now I haven't. Lazarus! Why do dragons have higher channeling capacity than other people?"
"Minding that this is all about the mean and you can find very high and very low CCs in any species," Kaylo puts in, "fairies and pixies have none as larvae but a lot as adults, more so for pixies than fairies, but for almost every other species it appears to correlate with species lifespan, albeit extremely nonlinearly, with vampires only having the same average as humans - I'll spare you the woolgathering that's been wasted on extrapolating from that - and it's higher in developed countries."